What Are the Requirements to Be a High School Physical Education Teacher?
- Candidates will initially need a four-year degree in health and physical education from an accredited college or university. Modules may include exercise physiology, kinesiology, specialized activity courses, teaching methods and health and wellness classes. Many schools offer degrees in sport sciences and physical education.
- While a university or college will help students gain experience in how to perform and teach different physical activities such as tennis, running, basketball, rock climbing, fitness, aerobics and gymnastics, those interested in a teaching career need experience working with children before being accepted into the major program. Also, many aspiring teachers increase their chances of employment by coaching children’s sports teams or volunteering for youth groups.
- Although a license is not required for graduates to teach in private schools, public school PE teachers must obtain licensure from the state in which they hope to work. Exact requirements vary by state, but all require that candidates possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited teacher education program and pass a state licensing exam.
- Days can start as early as 7 a.m. and finish between 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Because PE teachers are on their feet for the majority of this time, usually engaged in physical activity with children, they need to be fit and healthy. They must also be be emotionally balanced and patient enough to help reluctant students engage with their classes. Due to the nature of competition, students can become emotional when playing sports. The PE teacher must be able to calmly resolve any difficult situations with tact and restraint.