How to Make Fabric Hair Clips
- 1). Draw three simple, five-petal flower outlines on your printer paper. Make one of the outlines two and a half inches wide, the second outline two inches wide and the third outline one and a half inches wide. Cut out all three flower outlines.
- 2). Trace each outline onto a scrap of fabric and a piece of fusible webbing with tailor's chalk. Cut out the pieces.
- 3). Iron the fusible webbing pieces onto the wrong side of the corresponding fabric. Follow the directions on the webbing package. Directions differ between manufacturers, so you must follow the directions specific to the brand you are using.
- 4). Stack the three flower pieces, with the right sides of the fabric facing up, from smallest to largest. Place the button in the center of the top flower in the stack. Arrange the flowers so the petals alternate from layer to layer. The petals of the bottom layer should be between the petals of the second layer, and those of the second layer should be between those of the top layer.
- 5). Use needle and thread to sew the button in place through all three layers of the stack. Attach the fabric flower to a hair clip of your choosing using a dot of hot glue in the center of the back of the flower.