Softball Pitching Tips
In a softball game, pitchers should have great skill, attitude and patience because without that a pitcher cannot win the diamond game.
These softball pitching tips may help you to win the game.
Before going to the field have a warm up session.
Increase your body temperature by jogging and stretching.
Establish primary pitch first.
Practice a few pitch-outs.
Focus on targets and areas.
Work outside and inside the strike zone and even in corners.
Rehearse your game plan.
Have a positive state of mind.
Wear a jacket after warm ups are over.
Use two checkpoints to keep your arm properly aligned.
Don't step with the stride foot pointed towards home plate.
Don't short-arm the ball.
Some more softball pitching tips are: Try taking a shorter stride to raise your release point.
Wildness high in the Zone usually happens when kids rush their deliveries.
Instruct your player to hold the ball in his glove a split second longer in his windup.
During a pitch, pay close attention to the youngster's head; make sure he's focusing on the batter, not putting his head on a swivel.
Another cause of balance problems is when a pitcher takes too big a step backward with his non-dominant foot when beginning his windup.
Make sure that your player doesn't step more than 6 inches behind the rubber.
Some of the techniques for change of pace pitch are as follows: Maintain the same motion as your fast pitches-purpose of pitch is to deceive the batter and upset her timing.
Test "popping" ball off hip.
Test releasing ball with side or back of hand facing plate of release.
Control can be maximized by: proper warm up program.
Maintain consistent release point and finger pressure.
Develop a pre-pitch routine.
Maintain positive mental attitude.
Always pitch to a target.
Winning pitchers are mentally tough, as well as physically.
A few thoughts are be committed to excellence, learn from losses-never dwell on them.
Don't worry about what is not in your control.
Be energetic, determined and ready for competition.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Look and act like a winner-be a leader.
Block out distractions.
Be organized-have short and long term goals.
Accept criticism, and don't be afraid to fail.
Pitching speed can be increased by swinging the arm, instead of moving it, will create centrifugal force in the body.
Strive for a fast, strong wrist snap, pitching the ball against a firm left leg.
These softball pitching tips may help you to win the game.
Before going to the field have a warm up session.
Increase your body temperature by jogging and stretching.
Establish primary pitch first.
Practice a few pitch-outs.
Focus on targets and areas.
Work outside and inside the strike zone and even in corners.
Rehearse your game plan.
Have a positive state of mind.
Wear a jacket after warm ups are over.
Use two checkpoints to keep your arm properly aligned.
Don't step with the stride foot pointed towards home plate.
Don't short-arm the ball.
Some more softball pitching tips are: Try taking a shorter stride to raise your release point.
Wildness high in the Zone usually happens when kids rush their deliveries.
Instruct your player to hold the ball in his glove a split second longer in his windup.
During a pitch, pay close attention to the youngster's head; make sure he's focusing on the batter, not putting his head on a swivel.
Another cause of balance problems is when a pitcher takes too big a step backward with his non-dominant foot when beginning his windup.
Make sure that your player doesn't step more than 6 inches behind the rubber.
Some of the techniques for change of pace pitch are as follows: Maintain the same motion as your fast pitches-purpose of pitch is to deceive the batter and upset her timing.
Test "popping" ball off hip.
Test releasing ball with side or back of hand facing plate of release.
Control can be maximized by: proper warm up program.
Maintain consistent release point and finger pressure.
Develop a pre-pitch routine.
Maintain positive mental attitude.
Always pitch to a target.
Winning pitchers are mentally tough, as well as physically.
A few thoughts are be committed to excellence, learn from losses-never dwell on them.
Don't worry about what is not in your control.
Be energetic, determined and ready for competition.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Look and act like a winner-be a leader.
Block out distractions.
Be organized-have short and long term goals.
Accept criticism, and don't be afraid to fail.
Pitching speed can be increased by swinging the arm, instead of moving it, will create centrifugal force in the body.
Strive for a fast, strong wrist snap, pitching the ball against a firm left leg.