How to Decorate a Vehicle for Weddings
- A top priority should be avoiding permanent damage to the vehicle. Decorating the car is done in good fun. You can use items such as static clings for the windows and magnets for the body of the car instead of using paint or spay to write, which could damage the car. Purchase static clings that say something such as "New bride and groom" or "Newlyweds." These will be easy to remove and can be used again in the future.
- Ask one of the bridesmaids to contribute her flower bouquet for you to use to decorate the car. Use tape to attach the bouquet to the hood of the car. You can also place it inside the car on the steering wheel. Attach artificial flowers made out of cloth or ribbon to the door handles and the bumpers of the car as decorations.
- Purchase helium balloons to use to decorate the car. These balloons can be tied onto the antenna of the car or the door handles. Sayings such as "Just Married," "Bride and Groom" or "Heading To Our Honeymoon" should be printed on the balloons to make it clear what is being celebrated. If you can't get ones with text on them, purchase balloons that match the color theme of the wedding. In addition to attaching them to the outside, place a few inside the vehicle to surprise the bride and groom.
- Create a customized decoration for the couple's car. Purchase flags that attach to the windows, such as those that fans of sports teams display to show their team spirit. On the flags, include the couple's last name. Print words on the flags such as "Mr." and "Mrs." or "Just Got Married." These are decorations that can be removed from the car later and saved as souvenirs of the wedding night.
Static Clings and Magnets