International Accounting And The Tax Men
Business Beyond Your Border
Planning to enter new markets as a business, figuring out how to run your business across borders and added tax complications are some of the things international accounting firms can help you with. While you find the markets for your product and begin the marketing process they can make sure the transition goes smoothly. Are you able to take advantage of free trade agreements? Would direct exports, indirect exports or partnerships be your best way to expand into these new markets? Every country has its own tax laws and it is best to find experts to advise you and your employees. Know the tax rules that apply to you before you go. Nobody wants to get an exciting overseas posting and find themselves in trouble with the tax man later. Experts can help with everything from bookkeeping to tax preparation and compliance easing the transition for your company and employees.
Personal Preparations
Many people dream of living overseas but that can become a nightmare if you don"t know the tax rules. For example, if you made money in another country and the United States you may have to file two tax returns. If you work in the U.S for a foreign employer your employer may or may not have to withhold taxes for Medicare and Social Security. If you have lived outside the U.S. for years or indeed never lived in the U.S. at all but are still a U.S. citizen, you will have to file a tax return in the U.S. Some Canadian-born children of U.S. citizens living in Canada are finding they need to file returns in a country they may never have lived in at all! International accounting firms can help with this and also with the planning of estates that cross borders so beneficiaries are not left with any surprises during an already difficult time. Most people would never think of it but there are international treaties surrounding what happens to your money and business assets after you die. Do some research or let expert accountants and tax planners help you sort it out so those you leave behind don"t have to.
Living and doing business in foreign countries is the dream of many and can be a rewarding and enlightening adventure. Unfortunately, everywhere you go there are money and tax considerations to think about. Estate planning, tax laws, financial reporting rules can all turn a dream into a nightmare if managed improperly. Finding out you owe a lot more than you"d planned on paying can make life very difficult. Firms skilled in international accounting and researching on your own can make your stay or business venture run more smoothly.