Army Graduation Gifts
- Some army graduates will go to the field; others will report to a the army image by Tomasz Pawlowski from
When a graduate for the U.S. Army completes his or her education and basic training, it's a time to celebrate. He or she might be destined for an office job with the military or to fight in battle, but for a short period of time he or she can reflect back on his or her success of graduation. Choose gifts that allow the graduate to celebrate the past and look forward to the future. - Purchase items for the army graduate that displays that he is a proud member of the U.S. Army. Some items that could display this include a flag that can be flown outside his home with the army insignia or a piece of clothing such as a hat or shirt. Other items that can be used to identify that he is a proud army graduate include a tie or cuff links.
- Give the graduate a device that records her memories of graduation that she is sharing with her friends. This can be a digital camera or a digital video recorder. The graduate can take photographs of the graduation ceremony and any events after graduation, such as parties and celebrations. It can also be used to record personal messages from fellow graduates with whom she attended or instructors that were instrumental in helping her along the way to graduation.
- Help prepare him for his future job after graduating by providing organizational tools. One item could be a smartphone such as an iPhone that will allow him to organize his contacts, schedule and photographs. Other organizational devices could include desk organizers and items for his desk such as writing utensils. Purchase a high-quality pen and engrave it with his name along with "U.S. Army Graduate" to identify the pen as his if it is lost.
- Not every gift has to be functional. Arrange for her to have a weekend vacation to celebrate her accomplishment with a few friends. Reserve a hotel for her in her favorite vacation location. Give her gift certificates for meals at some of her favorite restaurants in town or ones that others have recommended. Another option would be a tourist destination that she has not been to in the past, such as Las Vegas or Atlantic City, where she can enjoy gambling as well as the entertainment, fine dining and nightclubs offered in town.
Digital Camera or Camcorder
Organizational Tools
Weekend Vacation