How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Driving Him Away Forever
But don't worry...
that's why I'm here!:) There are 4 questions you are going to have to ask yourself...
don't skip them...
each are critically important to the success of getting him back in your arms again.
1) Do you really need to argue with him about the breakup? 2) Whatever the issue was that caused the breakup...
was it that important to get the attention it got? 3) If you just "forgot" that argument that caused the breakup and moved on...
would the outcome be different? 4) Again, was that issue really, really and really worth arguing about in the 1st place? I think you can guess from those questions where I'm going.
And if you answered, "No" to any of those questions above...
why not just let the matter slide and forget about it? Surprisingly, many breakups can be prevented or even quickly recovered if the biggie argument was over and done with.
And yeah, it really meant the argument was silly to begin with and should have never been that big roadblock in the first place.
The solution of course is that one of you becomes the adult here and blows the tension away and just moves on.
Will that be you? And the next thing I would strongly suggest is that you stop playing mind games with yourself.
You know what I mean...
that self talk you are doing right now...
about how your ex boyfriend perceives of you.
I always say this to the worriers and those who are quick to read between the lines when there really was nothing there...
"It is none of your business what others think of you!" Seriously...
Instead focus on the positive side of you...
what you are trying to accomplish...
and just focus on being you and let it flow.
Changing your self perceptions will allow others to see you for what you are rather than who you are trying to be.
Does that make sense to you? It doesn't matter if folks think you are funny or serious.
It doesn't matter if they think you are fat or too thin...
stupid or intelligent.
Just be yourself instead of trying to live up to the ideals of others.
In fact, as you will find out...
as you become more and more successful in life...
there will be more folks trying to put you down.
Why? I don't know...
sometimes folks get jealous of others and try to bring them back to their level.
So just be you.
You are the only judge of yourself! But let's just move on to the next step in getting your ex boyfriend back.
And here what you will do is distance yourself some from your ex boyfriend...
Give yourself a short emotional and mental break from him.
And give him a short break too...
Now this is going to seem a little counter-intuitive here...
but there is a method in my madness you see...
when you give yourself a break...
you are allowing a little time to relieve the tension and stress that contributed to the breakup.
And when you both are feeling more calm and relaxed...
you are now ready to try to resolve the situation.
However, I must caution that you should stay in contact with him and have friendly conversations and communications.
But keep it light and short.
And don't allow any emotions enter the communication.
Now, when both of your heads are clearer...
you can now analyze the breakup for what it truly was...
you both are more likely to leave the drama behind and forge ahead to rekindling your relationship.
I want you to understand that most breakups can be easily...
fixed! It's truer than many folks believe.
Just be patience and civil to each other...
and if you both really care for each other...
love will come shining through and you'll both be together sooner than later.
But again, just be patient and don't force anything...
let it happen naturally.