Rat & Mouse Extermination
- Mice can enter through openings as small as a quarter of an inch. Closing up all the openings with steel will keep the mice and rats from being able to gnaw their way back into the home.
- Snap traps are the best option to trap and eliminate mice and rat infestations. The trapped rodents can be discarded easily after they have been caught.
- Rats and mice are becoming immune to many of the poisons that are used, so this is not a fool-proof method of extermination. They can also consume the poison and die inside the walls or other hard-to-reach places, leaving behind a horrible smell.
- Glue traps are not always effective and cause unneeded suffering to the rat or mouse. If a rodent is trapped with one or two feet off the trap, they can drag the trap away.
- After exterminating the rats or mice, it is necessary to clean and disinfect any areas that the rodents had access to. Over-the-counter disinfectant or a mixture of bleach and water can be used to cleanse all the needed areas.
Blocking Entrances
Snap Traps
Glue Traps
Cleaning and Disinfecting