How to Look Younger When You Are Getting Older
You are only as old as you feel, so the saying goes.
But if you look younger, it can help you to feel younger.
If you opt for a curly silver perm and comfortable shoes, you might end up feeling old before your time.
People in their 80s and even 90s can look amazing and at least 10 years younger than the date on their birth certificate.
And everyone knows that 40 is the new 30! You might be lucky enough to have 'good genes', but there are plenty of other steps you can take to hold back the years.
Diet, exercise, and even a little intervention can all help you to look younger as you get older.
First steps But before you book an appointment with a plastic surgeon, there are a few self-help ways to slow the aging process.
Something as simple as drinking plenty of water every day can have a very beneficial effect.
As well as helping your metabolism and digestive system, the more you drink, the more hydrated your body becomes, improving the look of the skin.
Vitamin supplements can help too.
Keeping active is a big boost to your system.
Whether it's a brisk walk, a gentle exercise class or something more energetic, anything that keeps your system moving can help slow down the aging process.
Toned skin looks better than flabby skin so any kind of exercise that keeps your muscles in shape can only help in the quest to look younger.
Start by trying some cardiovascular exercises which get the heart muscle pumping, then add a little light weight training to keep those muscles in shape.
Eating well is also an effective way to ward off the approaching years.
Chicken, vegetables and fish are all big pluses in the diet stakes when it comes to staying young inside and out.
Not only do these foods help you maintain your health but they also help you look younger as they contain vitamins and nutrients to aid losing body fat, gain muscle as well as grow new and younger skin.
Keeping a watch on the amount of alcohol you consume can also help.
Limiting the number of alcohol units you drink can have an anti-ageing effect.
Limiting the amount of stress on your body can also be one of the best ways of keeping the aging process in check.
Smoking ages the skin almost as quickly as overexposure to UV from sunbathing or tanning beds, so avoid spending too much time in the sun and if you smoke, try to quit.
Botox Even if you have tried all the steps mentioned above, Mother Nature can always do with a helping hand.
Rather than reach for the surgeon's knife, it's worth considering non-surgical alternative anti-wrinkle treatments, which can help maintain a youthful look.
Botox is one of the most popular ways to iron out those aging wrinkles.
It works by paralysing individual facial muscles, blocking the signals from the brain.
As the muscle is prevented from contracting the skin above is kept smooth, effectively reducing the wrinkles.
The procedure is quick and the results are obvious after several days.
However, the process does need to be repeated every few months to maintain the skin's smooth appearance and there are well-documented celebrity horror stories of when it can go wrong.
However, by making sure you go to a Botox clinic that specialises in quality anti-aging techniques and works with clinicians rather than beauticians, you can avoid the 'frozen face' syndrome that incorrectly administered Botox can sometimes cause.
But if you look younger, it can help you to feel younger.
If you opt for a curly silver perm and comfortable shoes, you might end up feeling old before your time.
People in their 80s and even 90s can look amazing and at least 10 years younger than the date on their birth certificate.
And everyone knows that 40 is the new 30! You might be lucky enough to have 'good genes', but there are plenty of other steps you can take to hold back the years.
Diet, exercise, and even a little intervention can all help you to look younger as you get older.
First steps But before you book an appointment with a plastic surgeon, there are a few self-help ways to slow the aging process.
Something as simple as drinking plenty of water every day can have a very beneficial effect.
As well as helping your metabolism and digestive system, the more you drink, the more hydrated your body becomes, improving the look of the skin.
Vitamin supplements can help too.
Keeping active is a big boost to your system.
Whether it's a brisk walk, a gentle exercise class or something more energetic, anything that keeps your system moving can help slow down the aging process.
Toned skin looks better than flabby skin so any kind of exercise that keeps your muscles in shape can only help in the quest to look younger.
Start by trying some cardiovascular exercises which get the heart muscle pumping, then add a little light weight training to keep those muscles in shape.
Eating well is also an effective way to ward off the approaching years.
Chicken, vegetables and fish are all big pluses in the diet stakes when it comes to staying young inside and out.
Not only do these foods help you maintain your health but they also help you look younger as they contain vitamins and nutrients to aid losing body fat, gain muscle as well as grow new and younger skin.
Keeping a watch on the amount of alcohol you consume can also help.
Limiting the number of alcohol units you drink can have an anti-ageing effect.
Limiting the amount of stress on your body can also be one of the best ways of keeping the aging process in check.
Smoking ages the skin almost as quickly as overexposure to UV from sunbathing or tanning beds, so avoid spending too much time in the sun and if you smoke, try to quit.
Botox Even if you have tried all the steps mentioned above, Mother Nature can always do with a helping hand.
Rather than reach for the surgeon's knife, it's worth considering non-surgical alternative anti-wrinkle treatments, which can help maintain a youthful look.
Botox is one of the most popular ways to iron out those aging wrinkles.
It works by paralysing individual facial muscles, blocking the signals from the brain.
As the muscle is prevented from contracting the skin above is kept smooth, effectively reducing the wrinkles.
The procedure is quick and the results are obvious after several days.
However, the process does need to be repeated every few months to maintain the skin's smooth appearance and there are well-documented celebrity horror stories of when it can go wrong.
However, by making sure you go to a Botox clinic that specialises in quality anti-aging techniques and works with clinicians rather than beauticians, you can avoid the 'frozen face' syndrome that incorrectly administered Botox can sometimes cause.