How to Paint Tallam
- 1). Make sure your model is clean and free from mold lines and excess metal or plastic.
- 2). Undercoat your figure with a coat of black paint.
- 3). Apply base colors with a large paintbrush. You aren't concerned with fine detail at this stage; just get the main colors on. The tunic, puttees and shoulder pads should be a light khaki brown, the trousers olive drab, the boots dark brown, the headscarf a light off-white and the skin a dark flesh tone.
- 4). Shade the main areas of color by gently applying a thin coat of ink to them. A dark brown is the best wash for Tallarn uniforms. The ink will pool in the folds of cloth and provide shading for the model. Use a very thin wash on the headscarf.
- 5). Paint a lighter shade of the original base color on each area of the model, leaving the ink in the shaded areas.
- 6). Highlight the model. Using a lighter shade of each main color, apply a small amount to the raised areas of the model. When highlighting the skin, for instance, apply the highlight to the nose, cheeks, brows, chin and fingers. For the headscarf and uniform, apply the highlight to the raised folds of cloth. On the shoulder pads, apply the highlight to the raised edges of the armor.
- 7). Paint in the details of the figure, using a small brush. These may include eyes or goggles, facial hair, belts, pouches and weapons. If you've covered these with another color, you may need to re-undercoat them in black. Paint weapon casings black or olive drab and highlight them with narrow highlights along their edges. Weapon barrels should be a dull metallic color with a black wash. Other details can be whatever color you choose but should be in keeping with the generally muted tone of the Tallarn uniform.
- 8). Coat your figure's base with PVA glue and dip it into a basing material such as sand to give it texture. When the glue has dried, turn the figure upside down and tap the base to knock off any loose sand.
- 9). Protect your figure with a coat of varnish. Matte varnish shows off your paint job better, but gloss varnish is more durable.