How Mattresses Are Promoted To Us, The Regular People
If you pick up any paper, any day of the week, one thing that you are sure to find is that some store or the other dealing with mattresses is offering attractive discounts on his wares. It seems people continue to buy mattresses regularly. Perhaps the only other business community indulging in so much of advertising for promoting their product is that of car dealerships.
Another feature that you may notice in the ads of mattresses is that invariably the seller or manufacturer claims that its product is recommended by chiropractor or several chiropractors. (Some of the examples are Miralux and King Koil mattress line). As if it were aspirin most recommended by doctors!
One reason that prompts people to buy new mattresses is that they are not able to sleep comfortably on the already available mattress and everybody looks to having a comfortable sleep. Of course a mattress is helpful but it's important to have proper alignment of neck and back with the right sleeping posture. Given that spinal health and a mattress are related to sleeping experience, why can't more chiropractors include mattresses in their office as an extension of their program of care? Vendors who provide acceptable mattresses have the potential of offering good business proposals to chiropractors, enabling them to make an extra buck. Incentives in the form of discounts, free trials, or free delivery and installation and taking away of the old mattresses can be presented without having to stock mattresses in your office!
Mattresses and pillows could be included as a part of the secondary services. Products that help to improve and optimize their health and wellness. And, nothing heals the soul more than sleeping comfortably at night. Another marketing technique could be that you just prescribe a particular set to a patient, depending on your examination and X-rays. Or insert ads in media for a perfect Kingsdown mattress for the right back campaigns.
Why not arrange events enabling and encouraging people to try a particular brand? What is often done by smart and active persons all over the country is that they form an alliance with a local store dealing with mattresses. Then the discount coupons are being issued to the patients for the particular store or brand. In exchange of the services offered, the dealer may allow something like organizing spinal screening "events" in his premises. Else, the store could include a gift card for certain brand of chiropractic services with each mattress that is being sold.
Another feature that you may notice in the ads of mattresses is that invariably the seller or manufacturer claims that its product is recommended by chiropractor or several chiropractors. (Some of the examples are Miralux and King Koil mattress line). As if it were aspirin most recommended by doctors!
One reason that prompts people to buy new mattresses is that they are not able to sleep comfortably on the already available mattress and everybody looks to having a comfortable sleep. Of course a mattress is helpful but it's important to have proper alignment of neck and back with the right sleeping posture. Given that spinal health and a mattress are related to sleeping experience, why can't more chiropractors include mattresses in their office as an extension of their program of care? Vendors who provide acceptable mattresses have the potential of offering good business proposals to chiropractors, enabling them to make an extra buck. Incentives in the form of discounts, free trials, or free delivery and installation and taking away of the old mattresses can be presented without having to stock mattresses in your office!
Mattresses and pillows could be included as a part of the secondary services. Products that help to improve and optimize their health and wellness. And, nothing heals the soul more than sleeping comfortably at night. Another marketing technique could be that you just prescribe a particular set to a patient, depending on your examination and X-rays. Or insert ads in media for a perfect Kingsdown mattress for the right back campaigns.
Why not arrange events enabling and encouraging people to try a particular brand? What is often done by smart and active persons all over the country is that they form an alliance with a local store dealing with mattresses. Then the discount coupons are being issued to the patients for the particular store or brand. In exchange of the services offered, the dealer may allow something like organizing spinal screening "events" in his premises. Else, the store could include a gift card for certain brand of chiropractic services with each mattress that is being sold.