Telling Ourselves the Truth (Working Against Humanity)

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Looking at certain events in this world of ours, I have realized that the greatest mistake we had made in our life is not telling ourselves the truth.
The reason why I said this is s because of some events that had unfolded in our society recently.
Taking a statistics of our actions, one would ever agree with me that we have failed in our duty to do the right thing at the right time.
However, one thing that we have failed to understand in the whole of the drama is that for every wrong action we have taken somebody somewhere is suffering for it.
For people in different areas of life endeavors, the truth about life and its intricate nature differs.
While some of us will argue that they have been in the forefront of doing the right thing, others will always argue that they should be the people who need to be pat on the back for a job well done.
We cannot because of affinity, close ties and sentiments do what we have to do to save humanity from various atrocities perpetrated by some unscrupulous human beings that roam the face of the earth.
We have thrown morals to the wind by doing some of those things that we ought not to do just because of sentiment.
Looking at the world, one will surely buy the idea that the earth, which is the only planet that boasts of human existence today, did not come by chance but was carefully embellished to accommodate man and other living things.
We have in our everyday activities failed to embrace all those virtues for which the owner of this world had in mind before he created it.
Let us look at some of the actions that had affected us today making us to derail from the original purpose of creating this world.
Family: A man will leave his family problems and cater for his concubine or girl friend.
Moreover, by the time he reaches home, expects the wife to give him food.
Sometimes he reaches home only to find the children crying for food.
Without showing, compassion to his children may decide to go out with his friends to have a drink.
After becoming drunk, comes into the house behaving like a fool while the wife and children stay in one corner looking at their so-called daddy who had made himself a fool by taking to a life of alcoholism or sometimes beating the wife and children and sending them out of the house.
This is not peculiar to men alone, some women also leave their husbands at home to cater for the children as they went out in search of their concubines and boyfriends.
According to Demosthenes, a Greek Orator and philosopher "The easiest thing of all is to deceive oneself".
If you die in such a shameful death, what kind of respect do you think you will command among your folks? What becomes of your children? Do you know the trauma and risks you are subjecting them to? Who will take care of you in your old age? Then what happens to you when you die? Who will tell people that you are dead? This is a million dollar question that every human being supposed to ask himself.
Community: Many a man had refused to say the truth when it matters most.
They have resorted to taking bribes to twat justice and embrace injustice by killing innocent people and breaking homes for just a token.
What of the law enforcement agencies, security men and people entrusted with the security of their fellow citizen.
The list is endless.
They have caused a lot of havoc to the world by punishing innocent people and leaving the culprits free either because of money or because of sentiments.
No matter the way you look at it when you sent a criminal free you are indirectly giving him a license to continue and who knows his next victim may be you or somebody close to you.
How will you feel when this happens? I cannot advise you to do the right thing because I am not your class, rich or popular.
That same Community is the place your own generation will live and work.
The way you make it to be is the way your generation are going to enjoy it.
Think about this! 3.
Governance: Most of our political office holders had enriched themselves before leaving office.
Money meant to be used to provide basic infrastructures to the entire citizen of various nations had been diverted into their private purse.
They use the media to blow their trumpets to the high heavens.
They commit a lot of heinous crimes like killing their supposedly enemies or those who questioned their rational to commit these crimes using their so-called bodyguards which they employ immediately they assume they exulted office, awarding non-existing contracts to their allies, taking other people's properties and wives, promoting prostitution by spoiling small girls, using children for ritual purposes etc, all these nefarious acts which can make our grandfathers turn in their graves.
Even though they knew they have an ugly secret they will use every available means to convince the gullible masses (plebeians) that they carry their interest at heart.
However, when the left office, their report cards show that they are absolutely misogynists i.
haters of humanity! They don't know that the wealth, which they have accumulated, will not save them when death come calling.
They don't ask themselves what they will be remembered for when they took their exit from these world.
Even at that all those traps that they had set for the masses when they were in office, after so many years you will see them falling into them, a proof saying they failed to tell themselves the truth when it matters most.
How will you feel if somebody stronger than you take your property by force, spoil your teenage daughter, diverted the money meant for your welfare, and use your children for rituals? 4.
Church: This is where it pains most; a man ordained to lead people from going astray will be on the forefront of committing evil in the house of God.
Fornication, lying, smoking, drinking, embezzlement, drug trafficking and invoking all sorts of spirits in the church to perform miracles with a view to make the church grow.
They have converted the church to a place to get charms to kill their fellow men, make their business grow.
In addition to this, they sometimes use the church as a training ground for criminals, storing of arms, child trafficking, women trafficking.
The list by God is endless.
All devilish acts perpetrated to unleash terror to the people are just to draw a line between the perpetrators and their victims, the people whom you called your own and whom you ought to protect are being molested by you.
What a pity! To tell you the fact your children or grand children may be the product of this evil institution tomorrow, which you set up because of your avarice.
Companies/offices: Most of our managers are evil, before they offer a job to a young man they collect bribe, if it is a girl they would make love with her.
Making life uncomfortable for some families who may not meet up with their devilish demand.
Sometimes, they do not promote their workers, pay their workers what is due for them and put them under pressure to work for them willy-nilly nor provide adequate medical care for them peradventure they fall sick while working for them.
They sometimes import inferior goods, poisonous chemicals, and expired drugs just to maximize profit in expense of the society in which they live.
What a shame! These people are working against humanity.
Think about your children what becomes of them when you leave that office tomorrow.
That seed which you sowed many years ago may be there waiting for you through your children or your relatives.
Nevertheless, all atrocities that we have committed can be redressed if we realized that we have failed to tell ourselves the truth in the beginning.
No man irrespective of his status in life can boast of not having an ugly past and therefore had in one way or the other treated one another with disdain.
No society can grow without doing the right thing at the right time.
Whatever we do today sometimes comes back to us directly or indirectly.
Somebody somewhere is crying just because of your wickedness to the society and you think you are doing the best thing, no matter where you go or how crafty you think you are that arrow which you shot will one day hit you.
Let us cultivate the habit of telling ourselves the truth for the betterment of all.
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