Heartbroken - I Want My Ex Boyfriend Back
" All relationships are unique and so is every break up.
There are a few things you can do to help get your ex back in any break up situation.
Be nice.
This may seem obvious, but too many people do try and get what they want by nagging or acting out in some unpleasant way.
If you are unpleasant your ex will only want to be around you less and less.
In fact this type of behavior will only help them realize that they made the right choice by breaking up with you in the first place.
If you really just can't be nice and have to fake it, then you should wonder if you should really even be together at all.
Also, if you think your ex boyfriend might like you more if you pretend to be the kind of person he wants, again you should find someone who likes you for who you are.
Being nice, and pleasant to be around, will start to make some of the reasons for the breakup not as important anymore.
You may even be wondering why you weren't nicer before.
And if you do get back together, let your ex boyfriend know that you did take him for granted in the past.
He may not say it, but probably realizes that he did the same to you.
Here are a few things you may be thinking of trying that might work or go horribly wrong.
If my ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend can I still get him back? This is probably the hardest situation to overcome.
If he is with someone else it will be very difficult to be alone with him.
He will also be totally focused on the new relationship and you will not be a priority to him.
In this situation you absolutely must put your best out there.
Your only chance is to show them what a great person they are missing out on.
Again, this is the toughest situation to overcome.
The only chance you have is to be the nicest and best person you know how to be.
Can I get my ex boyfriend back by trickery? Any type of deceptive behavior you might be thinking of is wrong.
Trying to get back you ex boyfriend with trickery is a terrible way to start off.
First off, a relationship built on untruth will not be healthy or fulfilling.
Also, if he finds out about it he is likely to break up with you again.
Build a new relationship based on truth and trust.
Should I try using jealousy to my ex boyfriend back? This could work but has a better chance of backfire.
If you start dating someone else then your ex boyfriend might think you have moved on.
It is totally unfair to use someone to make someone else jealous.
If you really feel the need to date to be happy, go ahead.
If you really want your ex boyfriend back, be honest, be nice, and be the best person you know how to be.