How To Get In The Swing Of Things
How to get in the swing of things
Sure, Tiger Woods can smash a ball over 300 yards, but, the ball isnt moving when he swings at it. Michael Jordan could put a ball in the hoop in an infinite number of ways, but he knew where the goal was going to be. Hitting a baseball, though, is so much more difficult! Hitting a round ball with a round bat squarely as it curves, sinks and slides at close to 100mph is the hardest thing to do in sports. There is no room for error. There is no rim to bounce the ball off of and no tee to make hitting the ball easier.
With this in mind, how does Manny Ramirez make it look so easy? How does Natasha Whatley routinely make the big hits when they are most needed? How did Tony Gwynn consistently get on base?
Simple: they all have great swings. You can, too, if you focus on and practice the fundamentals that have been proven season after season.
The grip is very important, as its the only physical contact you make with the bat. A proper grip is crucial during the entire duration of the swing.
Holding the bat in your palms restricts your swing, so hold it in your fingertips. By doing this you can swing freely with maximum range of motion. Also, dont grip too tightly.
When you swing at a pitch, your entire body is moving very quickly, reacting to a baseball approaching at a high speed. If you dont have a very even and supportive balance and stance, hitting the ball is even more difficult.
Stand in the batters box with your feet no more than shoulder width apart, relaxed and with your knees bent. Your hands should be around shoulder height. Maintaining great balance cannot be overstated!
As the pitcher winds up and is about to release the ball, take a short, 2-3 inch balanced stride toward the pitcher. Some players, like David Wright, just pick up the front heel and put it back down. The important thing is that when you stride, keep your head and upper body level and balanced. Imagine the ball bouncing up and down shakily as it approaches you. If you dont keep your head level, that is what the ball will look like! You only have a split-second to make the decision of whether or not to swing, so dont make it more difficult.
The load is the trigger of your swing. When you throw a punch, you dont simply move your fist forward, but rather you coil it backwards and then release it forward. The same applies to your swing. This coiling action serves two purposes: 1)Generates Power, and 2)Helps you time the pitch.
To load properly, make a slight movement, such as picking up and dropping your hands or coiling your front shoulder back. Avoid dramatic movements like the sledgehammer waggle of Gary Sheffield. This may work for him, but for most players this actually takes energy away from the swing, slowing you down.
Power Turn
When swinging the bat towards the ball, dont swing for the parking lot. Move the bat directly towards the ball, without looping or making an uppercut. Lead with your hips, rotating them toward the pitcher, and keep your hands back until your hips finish their rotation. This level of control allows you to adjust to different kinds of pitches and locations. Again, maintaining a level head is important so that you can properly watch the ball meet the bat.
Follow Through
After contact, extend the bat toward the pitcher and let the barrel swing around you naturally. Finishing your swing is very important. If you dont, you actually begin letting up before you make contact with the ball, as you cant stop your moving bat and body instantly.
Just like anything else, practice makes perfect! Hitting drills can help you master your swing, but there are also state-of-the-art tools available to help you see results quicker.
As mentioned, one of the requirements for a great swing is your balance. The Batters Edge, a training tool from A-Game Technology (, helps you properly maintain your balance without the need of an expensive trainer or even a coach, as you wont always have someone with you when practicing. By standing on its narrow platform, you are forced to maintain perfect balance before, during and after the swing. This real-time feedback allows you to make quick progress as you work to perfect your swing.
So, remember to stay balanced, keep your head level, move the barrel directly to the ball, and follow through. Focus on these fundamentals and the more you practice, the more hits and RBIs youll rack up!
Sure, Tiger Woods can smash a ball over 300 yards, but, the ball isnt moving when he swings at it. Michael Jordan could put a ball in the hoop in an infinite number of ways, but he knew where the goal was going to be. Hitting a baseball, though, is so much more difficult! Hitting a round ball with a round bat squarely as it curves, sinks and slides at close to 100mph is the hardest thing to do in sports. There is no room for error. There is no rim to bounce the ball off of and no tee to make hitting the ball easier.
With this in mind, how does Manny Ramirez make it look so easy? How does Natasha Whatley routinely make the big hits when they are most needed? How did Tony Gwynn consistently get on base?
Simple: they all have great swings. You can, too, if you focus on and practice the fundamentals that have been proven season after season.
The grip is very important, as its the only physical contact you make with the bat. A proper grip is crucial during the entire duration of the swing.
Holding the bat in your palms restricts your swing, so hold it in your fingertips. By doing this you can swing freely with maximum range of motion. Also, dont grip too tightly.
When you swing at a pitch, your entire body is moving very quickly, reacting to a baseball approaching at a high speed. If you dont have a very even and supportive balance and stance, hitting the ball is even more difficult.
Stand in the batters box with your feet no more than shoulder width apart, relaxed and with your knees bent. Your hands should be around shoulder height. Maintaining great balance cannot be overstated!
As the pitcher winds up and is about to release the ball, take a short, 2-3 inch balanced stride toward the pitcher. Some players, like David Wright, just pick up the front heel and put it back down. The important thing is that when you stride, keep your head and upper body level and balanced. Imagine the ball bouncing up and down shakily as it approaches you. If you dont keep your head level, that is what the ball will look like! You only have a split-second to make the decision of whether or not to swing, so dont make it more difficult.
The load is the trigger of your swing. When you throw a punch, you dont simply move your fist forward, but rather you coil it backwards and then release it forward. The same applies to your swing. This coiling action serves two purposes: 1)Generates Power, and 2)Helps you time the pitch.
To load properly, make a slight movement, such as picking up and dropping your hands or coiling your front shoulder back. Avoid dramatic movements like the sledgehammer waggle of Gary Sheffield. This may work for him, but for most players this actually takes energy away from the swing, slowing you down.
Power Turn
When swinging the bat towards the ball, dont swing for the parking lot. Move the bat directly towards the ball, without looping or making an uppercut. Lead with your hips, rotating them toward the pitcher, and keep your hands back until your hips finish their rotation. This level of control allows you to adjust to different kinds of pitches and locations. Again, maintaining a level head is important so that you can properly watch the ball meet the bat.
Follow Through
After contact, extend the bat toward the pitcher and let the barrel swing around you naturally. Finishing your swing is very important. If you dont, you actually begin letting up before you make contact with the ball, as you cant stop your moving bat and body instantly.
Just like anything else, practice makes perfect! Hitting drills can help you master your swing, but there are also state-of-the-art tools available to help you see results quicker.
As mentioned, one of the requirements for a great swing is your balance. The Batters Edge, a training tool from A-Game Technology (, helps you properly maintain your balance without the need of an expensive trainer or even a coach, as you wont always have someone with you when practicing. By standing on its narrow platform, you are forced to maintain perfect balance before, during and after the swing. This real-time feedback allows you to make quick progress as you work to perfect your swing.
So, remember to stay balanced, keep your head level, move the barrel directly to the ball, and follow through. Focus on these fundamentals and the more you practice, the more hits and RBIs youll rack up!