How To Place a Banner Ad On a Squidoo Lens
0 craze I think that banner ads are starting to make a come back, and a place where they could really dominate are on aSquidoo lens.
You can decide which looks better, a lens that just has writing or a lens with a discreet banner ad with some writing? I will always choose thelens with a banner and the writing because an ad will always catch your eye first.
Think about all the outside bill boards that companies still advertise on, they are still popular, remember the 10 second rule, I am sure that a banner ad will hold a visitors eye for a lot longer than a lens full of text.
So how hard is it to add a banner ad to a lens? In fact it is very easy and once you start there you can add them to your blog post on your web site, and all over the place.
Once you know the HTML code and how it works, you will be churning out banner ads like a seasoned pro.
But keep in mind that your ads must be beneficial and not distract from your site, blog or lens, otherwise what was the point of adding it in the first place.
Placing a banner ad is a useful method to promote both your own product and affiliate products as well, because you can have either a click able banner ad or a banner ad with some advertising text on a normal text module on your Squidoo lens To place the banner ad takes only 4 simple steps, Step 1.
Add a text module to your lens.
You can use an existing text module and place the code at the top, or you canadd a new text module to your lens.
Paste this code into the box.
Just copy the following code into your text module, (a href="/links/?u=xxx://xxx.
com")(img src="xxx://xxx.
jpg") (/a) Step 3.
Edit the Code.
The first bit is where you want the banner to take someone when they click it, and the second bit isthe filename of the banner image itself.
com) is the site where you want the person to go to, either to your site or an affiliate product etc.
com) this is the location where the banner is located, either on your web site server, as a jpeg or gif file.
Now all that you have to do is make the image smaller by specifying the width and height, so the code will look like this, (img src="xxx://xxx.
jpg" width "500" height"110" border "0")(/a) Step 4.
Save the module.
You're now done! You should now have a centred banner that links to your chosen page.
Conclusion So not only will your new banner ad look great on your lens, but if you understand how the code works you can add this code to your blogs on your site.
In fact any where you like, it has always been a powerful way to advertise - as they always say - "a picture is worth a thousand words"