Indoor Plants for Kids

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    Miracle Fruit

    • Miracle fruit causes sour foods to taste ultra-sweet.lemon image by Maria Brzostowska from

      The miracle fruit is an unusual tropical plant that produces small berry-like fruit that temporarily alters taste buds, making sour and acidic foods like lemons and plain yogurt taste sweet. Botanically known as Synsepalum dulcificum, miracle fruit is native to West Africa. According to the University of Illinois, it grows well indoors if given a bright location such as an eastern or southern windowsill. Provide miracle fruit with a well-draining acidic soil by planting in one part peat moss and one part perlite. Allow the first 3 to 4 inches of soil to dry out between waterings, and never let the pot sit in water, because miracle fruit is highly susceptible to root rot. Feed monthly with an acidic fertilizer.

    Prayer Plant

    • Prayer plant folds up its leaves every night at bedtime.plant image by prinzesa from

      The prayer plant gets its name from the fact that its leaves close at dusk each night in order to conserve water. Botanically known as Maranta leuconeura, prayer plant is indigenous to Central and South America. It does well indoors when placed in a location with bright indirect light, such as 4 to 6 feet away from a southern or eastern window. It is a rainforest plant that requires 60 to 80-percent humidity. Plant in a rich, well-draining soil, and feed monthly with a well-balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.

    Sensitive Plant

    • Sensitive plant reacts immediately to touch.child hand image by jeancliclac from

      The lacy foliage of the sensitive plant immediately droops when touched. The leaves also fold in response to high heat and darkness. This tropical plant is botanically known as Mimosa pudica. It requires bright light indoors, such as an eastern or southern windowsill, or it can be grown under fluorescent grow lights. Provide well-draining soil, and don't overwater, which can quickly lead to root rot. Feed monthly with a well-balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.

    Venus Flytrap

    • Venus flytraps capture and digest their prey.carnivores image by Vladdy from

      Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants that derive their nutrients from eating insects. When insects trigger hairs inside the flytrap, it snaps shut. According to the University of Nebraska, flytraps grow well indoors if given 1 to 2 hours of direct sun from an eastern or western window. Plants thrive in containers with no drainage holes, such as terrariums, where they receive constant moisture and high humidity. An optimum growing medium is two parts sphagnum peat moss to one part coarse horticultural sand. Water only with rain or distilled water, as tap water is too alkaline and high in minerals. Avoid giving Venus flytrap hamburger, because raw meat causes traps to rot. Feed with small insects like flies, sow bugs and moths.

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