Signs of A Cheating Spouse and the Excuses and Lies Behind Them
How do they hide their actions?
They tell lies and excuses to cover up what they are really doing on the sideline. Here are a few examples of the lies and excuses you may be getting fed when the signs of cheating becomes obvious.
Spends Less Time With You:
"I just need to be away for a while"
"I have plans today and will be home a little later than expected"
"I'm going to spend some time with some relatives"
Comes Homes Late at Night:
"I had to work late again"
"I had car troubles"
"Me and my buddies got together"
Less Intimate, Lack of Affection:
"Now isn't the time"
"I'm tired" or "I just don't feel like it"
Mysterious Phone Calls:
"I don't know who that is"
"Its just a friend of mines, nothing is going on"
"It's business"
Sneaks Out of the House:
"I didn't want to wake/bother you"
"I had an errand to run"
"I wanted to take a walk/ride"
These are just a few of the excuses cheating spouses make to avoid getting caught or to throw there significant other off. Cheaters will do and say anything to hide the fact that they are cheating.
If you notice some of these signs, see what kind of things your partner says to prove his actions or innocence. Does these things they are saying add up? If they are working late, can they verify this. If they had an errand to run, what was it.
You can get deep down into these excuses or strange behavior by actually getting your partner to prove what they are telling you. You don't even have to let him know you are suspicious. You can even take matters into your own hand once you can verify that these excuses and lies aren't adding up.