Why You Should Start Running! Benefits and Tips
Running is great.
My first memory of running was actually running away.
Being fed up with something my mother had told me, I ran all the way from Kindergarten to my grandpa - which was about 2 miles.
Being 4 years old, and considering all the busy streets that I came across on these 2 miles, it was no wonder that my mother was REALLY upset.
But instead of grounding me, she did something that I will be eternally grateful for - putting me in the local children athletics team.
Fast forward to now, more than 1,5 decades later, I still run - and I love to run.
So most of my life I have been running and it has helped me in plenty of ways.
What are the benefits of running? 1.
It's easy! Contrary to sports like paragliding or mountaineering, running is very easy and cheap to get into.
You only need running clothes and some shoes (or try barefoot running).
Also, you already know how to set one foot in front of the other.
Sure, you're technique won't be perfect when you begin, but you'll get there fast enough.
Managing your weight Although I personally don't think running is the best way to lose fat, it's the best to manage your weight.
Along with other benefits of running, it burns enough calories so you can achieve your weight goal faster.
Develop your ligaments and joints In today's sedentary work society, it is very important to have well developed ligaments and joints.
When running, the natural impact of your feet will build strong joints and ligaments.
Especially when you are getting older, this will prove useful.
(One reason I try to be as fit as possible: I worry about becoming weak as I grow older.
I really don't want to walk with a stick when I'm old!!) 4.
Stronger bones Similar to nr.
3, running will help you develop stronger bones.
This will reduce the risk of osteoporosis ("porous bones") later in your life.
Relieve stress You can surely remember the last day you felt really stressed.
Well, running can help.
Maybe it is problem you are facing - do a long run.
You have the time to think about it without getting distracted.
Maybe you are really angry about something - do some sprints and speed runs.
This intense workload will be the buffer for your anger! 6.
Happiness Next time you are watching a race live or on TV, look at the runners close to the finish line.
Most of them will look quite happy! Ever heard of the "runners high"? Especially in the last phase of the race, endorphins (the "happy"-hormone) are flooding the body to let you endure the pain.
Also, Running has been successfully used for many years now to cure mild depressions.
Stronger immune system Being with my family doctor for 10 years now, he must have seen not more than a dozen times.
Running will increase the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells, or "the body's immune police") in your system, thus improving your immune system.
Who wants to be sick anyway? 8.
Improve your heart Did you know your heart is a muscle? When running, it will get trained.
Therefore your heart can use more blood with every "contraction".
It will naturally lower your blood pressure and decrease the likelihood of strokes and other heart-specific diseases.
Confidence May it be conquering a steep hill, running a new personal record time or finally achieving your dream weight, running will improve your confidence.
But don't just stop there.
For every goal you have successfully achieved, you can set a higher goal.
Little by little you will transform to your "dream self".
Look good naked If you are a bit vain like me, you will surely like this benefit.
Toned glutes, chiseled calves, strong legs and visible abs are just too sexy to hide.
If you are just starting out on your fitness journey, this 10 benefits might encourage you to start running.
If you are a seasoned runner, some of this benefits might be the reason you once started and still run.
So what's holding you back? Grab your shoes, pants and shirt and head out!
My first memory of running was actually running away.
Being fed up with something my mother had told me, I ran all the way from Kindergarten to my grandpa - which was about 2 miles.
Being 4 years old, and considering all the busy streets that I came across on these 2 miles, it was no wonder that my mother was REALLY upset.
But instead of grounding me, she did something that I will be eternally grateful for - putting me in the local children athletics team.
Fast forward to now, more than 1,5 decades later, I still run - and I love to run.
So most of my life I have been running and it has helped me in plenty of ways.
What are the benefits of running? 1.
It's easy! Contrary to sports like paragliding or mountaineering, running is very easy and cheap to get into.
You only need running clothes and some shoes (or try barefoot running).
Also, you already know how to set one foot in front of the other.
Sure, you're technique won't be perfect when you begin, but you'll get there fast enough.
Managing your weight Although I personally don't think running is the best way to lose fat, it's the best to manage your weight.
Along with other benefits of running, it burns enough calories so you can achieve your weight goal faster.
Develop your ligaments and joints In today's sedentary work society, it is very important to have well developed ligaments and joints.
When running, the natural impact of your feet will build strong joints and ligaments.
Especially when you are getting older, this will prove useful.
(One reason I try to be as fit as possible: I worry about becoming weak as I grow older.
I really don't want to walk with a stick when I'm old!!) 4.
Stronger bones Similar to nr.
3, running will help you develop stronger bones.
This will reduce the risk of osteoporosis ("porous bones") later in your life.
Relieve stress You can surely remember the last day you felt really stressed.
Well, running can help.
Maybe it is problem you are facing - do a long run.
You have the time to think about it without getting distracted.
Maybe you are really angry about something - do some sprints and speed runs.
This intense workload will be the buffer for your anger! 6.
Happiness Next time you are watching a race live or on TV, look at the runners close to the finish line.
Most of them will look quite happy! Ever heard of the "runners high"? Especially in the last phase of the race, endorphins (the "happy"-hormone) are flooding the body to let you endure the pain.
Also, Running has been successfully used for many years now to cure mild depressions.
Stronger immune system Being with my family doctor for 10 years now, he must have seen not more than a dozen times.
Running will increase the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells, or "the body's immune police") in your system, thus improving your immune system.
Who wants to be sick anyway? 8.
Improve your heart Did you know your heart is a muscle? When running, it will get trained.
Therefore your heart can use more blood with every "contraction".
It will naturally lower your blood pressure and decrease the likelihood of strokes and other heart-specific diseases.
Confidence May it be conquering a steep hill, running a new personal record time or finally achieving your dream weight, running will improve your confidence.
But don't just stop there.
For every goal you have successfully achieved, you can set a higher goal.
Little by little you will transform to your "dream self".
Look good naked If you are a bit vain like me, you will surely like this benefit.
Toned glutes, chiseled calves, strong legs and visible abs are just too sexy to hide.
If you are just starting out on your fitness journey, this 10 benefits might encourage you to start running.
If you are a seasoned runner, some of this benefits might be the reason you once started and still run.
So what's holding you back? Grab your shoes, pants and shirt and head out!