Pleiads about transition 2012
Messages of representatives of constellation of Pleiads to people of the Earth about transition during a new era of 2012.
By 2013 each of the remained earth dwellers should learn to understand and accept following four main evolutionary principles:
1. The purpose of existence of the person on the Earth - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development.
2. The essence of each human being - is divine, created from an emanation of Light and Love, Good.
3. Free will - the absolute universal right; faultlessness "I" urge to subordinate the free will to the Divine Will with full belief and absolute trust.
4. All Universe is sacred - irrespective of conformity to needs of everyone concrete "I".
Now we try to inform these four spiritual principles to Consciousness of each live person. The essence of the Planetary Law consists that before the termination of the basic time cycle it is necessary for each person to remind four evolutionary principles. It is obliged to follow these principles. Some people receive these messages through books, others - through films. This cycle has come.
Many people will visit - the angels Uplifted, Teachers, Mother Divine. The extensive information on evolutionary Consciousness and sanctity will be subconsciously received by all who carries on itself or holds in hands certain objects like crystals and jewels. It - only some examples of how distribution process on a planet of the above-named four spiritual Trues is carried out. Your participation in all it consists in that time which has remained to cataclysms to live correctly, to learn faultlessness and constantly to practise it, to pray for knowledge of the Divine Plan and understanding of your role. Disinterestedly to cure carefully to clear itself of all unnecessary and alluvial at all levels.
You should know, that at collective level there are seven basic karmic power structures, subject to faster eradication, elimination and transcendenation.
- Arrogance or arrogance
- A pathological addiction to something or to someone;
- Imposing of own sights and opinion:
- Hatred to live and to the lifeless;
- Violence over Consciousness or will of other person;
- Vain a victim;
- Painful feeling of shame.
These seven sources of suffering and pain are sources and carriers Karms, from which the Earth and its inhabitants should be cleared till 2013.
Each person should perform the part of work in business of healing of and other people from these karmic structures.
There are many variants of display of seven basic karmic problems. However, if you get accustomed, will see, that today a source of all problems on the Earth is one or several of these seven karmic structures of your Solar system. Actions this structures it is accompanied by ignorance of four evolutionary principles which to everyone are necessary for studying now.
For those from you who has learnt levels of these structures or sincerely works over them, conscious alignment of personal Consciousness with the Higher "I", the Higher Collective Consciousness and Divine Unity becomes the primary goal of the next years.
Emissaries of Light from Galaxies and Andomeds, Light Beings from Sirius, the High council of Twelve, the Great White Brotherhood and many other things small spiritual groups from all areas of the Galaxy sincerely wish to assist those who wishes to be prepared spiritually for power transformations coming on the Earth, quickly and qualitatively to evolve, that then to rise and join us.
Now it is necessary, that people of the Earth have found in themselves spiritual boldness to demand what they want. Now in front of the Earth tremendous possibility to make spiritual quantum jump opens. When it will occur, the Earth and all people will move to four and five-measured Space levels thereby completely having relieved the Consciousness from rough energy of the lowest Astral plans.
If by 2013 the most part of the survived population of the Earth assumes as a basis the existence four spiritual principles already mentioned by us above your planet becomes the first of the planets which ever have carried out such spiritual quantum jump in the Evolution. All necessary power conditions for such jump on system, galactic and even universal levels already are available, in what uniqueness of the given event consists. But also on collective Consciousness of mankind: the earths the hugest responsibility also lays.
To have absolute confidence of successful end of forthcoming quantum Transition, till 2013 not less than 144000 human consciousnesses should become clarified and to embody the Higher Space Consciousness of the Christ.
Only at achievement of this critical weight of the cleared up Consciousnesses the galactic Phenomenon will take place. The wave of high vibrations of energy of the Enlightenment will pass through all planet and the population, burning through rough power of all of the lowest of Thought of forms and dissolving a veil. People become closer to own internal experience of Divine Essence and True.
The physical Plan with three-dimensional measurement also will gradually lose the value and time when it will stop the existence as the fulfilled and already unnecessary evolutionary material will come. The majority of people of the earth will live in the fourth and fifth measurements which at you it is accepted to name Paradise. The same who has risen on these levels in the previous lives, also will pass directly in the fifth measurement or even still above as and progressing influence of quantum jump of a planet will very strongly be reflected in them.
If you by 2013 become successful, a huge wave of an emanation of Love and Pleasure, will bypass all Galaxy and will transform all remained Karms and the lowest astral energy of your Solar system to pure Light.
Very much and very soon all on your Earth will be cleared and will revive by a new Life. Harm will be won also all its attendants will appear connected and locked in the superdense world. From it they should begin again the evolutionary ascension to reach those levels of vibration which the next years will allow more than to 20 billion human Consciousnesses to become inhabitants of terrestrial Cities of Light. Prepare, people as both day, and hour of "Terrible Court" over the past of your planet are already designated!
By 2013 each of the remained earth dwellers should learn to understand and accept following four main evolutionary principles:
1. The purpose of existence of the person on the Earth - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development.
2. The essence of each human being - is divine, created from an emanation of Light and Love, Good.
3. Free will - the absolute universal right; faultlessness "I" urge to subordinate the free will to the Divine Will with full belief and absolute trust.
4. All Universe is sacred - irrespective of conformity to needs of everyone concrete "I".
Now we try to inform these four spiritual principles to Consciousness of each live person. The essence of the Planetary Law consists that before the termination of the basic time cycle it is necessary for each person to remind four evolutionary principles. It is obliged to follow these principles. Some people receive these messages through books, others - through films. This cycle has come.
Many people will visit - the angels Uplifted, Teachers, Mother Divine. The extensive information on evolutionary Consciousness and sanctity will be subconsciously received by all who carries on itself or holds in hands certain objects like crystals and jewels. It - only some examples of how distribution process on a planet of the above-named four spiritual Trues is carried out. Your participation in all it consists in that time which has remained to cataclysms to live correctly, to learn faultlessness and constantly to practise it, to pray for knowledge of the Divine Plan and understanding of your role. Disinterestedly to cure carefully to clear itself of all unnecessary and alluvial at all levels.
You should know, that at collective level there are seven basic karmic power structures, subject to faster eradication, elimination and transcendenation.
- Arrogance or arrogance
- A pathological addiction to something or to someone;
- Imposing of own sights and opinion:
- Hatred to live and to the lifeless;
- Violence over Consciousness or will of other person;
- Vain a victim;
- Painful feeling of shame.
These seven sources of suffering and pain are sources and carriers Karms, from which the Earth and its inhabitants should be cleared till 2013.
Each person should perform the part of work in business of healing of and other people from these karmic structures.
There are many variants of display of seven basic karmic problems. However, if you get accustomed, will see, that today a source of all problems on the Earth is one or several of these seven karmic structures of your Solar system. Actions this structures it is accompanied by ignorance of four evolutionary principles which to everyone are necessary for studying now.
For those from you who has learnt levels of these structures or sincerely works over them, conscious alignment of personal Consciousness with the Higher "I", the Higher Collective Consciousness and Divine Unity becomes the primary goal of the next years.
Emissaries of Light from Galaxies and Andomeds, Light Beings from Sirius, the High council of Twelve, the Great White Brotherhood and many other things small spiritual groups from all areas of the Galaxy sincerely wish to assist those who wishes to be prepared spiritually for power transformations coming on the Earth, quickly and qualitatively to evolve, that then to rise and join us.
Now it is necessary, that people of the Earth have found in themselves spiritual boldness to demand what they want. Now in front of the Earth tremendous possibility to make spiritual quantum jump opens. When it will occur, the Earth and all people will move to four and five-measured Space levels thereby completely having relieved the Consciousness from rough energy of the lowest Astral plans.
If by 2013 the most part of the survived population of the Earth assumes as a basis the existence four spiritual principles already mentioned by us above your planet becomes the first of the planets which ever have carried out such spiritual quantum jump in the Evolution. All necessary power conditions for such jump on system, galactic and even universal levels already are available, in what uniqueness of the given event consists. But also on collective Consciousness of mankind: the earths the hugest responsibility also lays.
To have absolute confidence of successful end of forthcoming quantum Transition, till 2013 not less than 144000 human consciousnesses should become clarified and to embody the Higher Space Consciousness of the Christ.
Only at achievement of this critical weight of the cleared up Consciousnesses the galactic Phenomenon will take place. The wave of high vibrations of energy of the Enlightenment will pass through all planet and the population, burning through rough power of all of the lowest of Thought of forms and dissolving a veil. People become closer to own internal experience of Divine Essence and True.
The physical Plan with three-dimensional measurement also will gradually lose the value and time when it will stop the existence as the fulfilled and already unnecessary evolutionary material will come. The majority of people of the earth will live in the fourth and fifth measurements which at you it is accepted to name Paradise. The same who has risen on these levels in the previous lives, also will pass directly in the fifth measurement or even still above as and progressing influence of quantum jump of a planet will very strongly be reflected in them.
If you by 2013 become successful, a huge wave of an emanation of Love and Pleasure, will bypass all Galaxy and will transform all remained Karms and the lowest astral energy of your Solar system to pure Light.
Very much and very soon all on your Earth will be cleared and will revive by a new Life. Harm will be won also all its attendants will appear connected and locked in the superdense world. From it they should begin again the evolutionary ascension to reach those levels of vibration which the next years will allow more than to 20 billion human Consciousnesses to become inhabitants of terrestrial Cities of Light. Prepare, people as both day, and hour of "Terrible Court" over the past of your planet are already designated!