Weekly Feng Shui Action Item June 22nd
You get in life what you give yourself, so give you some fun! With summer upon us, it's time to relax and enjoy yourself, your friends and your family. Think summer fun, like a refreshing glass of pink lemonade, playing checkers, tending to your rose garden, and for those not on a diet...a bowl of homemade ice cream.
Summer means fun regardless of your age. When is the last time you had a good belly laugh that brought tears to your eyes, remember those days? Having fun lifts your energy, puts a smile on your face and attracts opportunity for travel, romance, and passion!
When I consult a client who is overworked, stressed out - burnt out, and tired, I always look at their 'Creativity and Children' area of the bagua (middle right side of your home looking in from your front door) as this is the area that allows you to express your creativity and childlike, playful nature. If you're ready to have some good 'ole fun, then prepare to attract more opportunity, romance and passion!
This Week: Have Fun, Shift Your Energy and Attract The Good Life!
Think about an activity that is fun for you. Is it trying out a new, fabulous recipe, pulling out your art supplies, trying your hand at growing tomatoes, ski diving, swimming, or playing a good 'ole board game with your sweetie?
Select one FUN activity you want to do.
Schedule and plan a time to enjoy your fun activity. For example, call the dance studio for class times, plan a trip to the nursery this weekend after your morning walk, invite a friend over for a Sunday afternoon brunch and try out that fabulous new recipe.
Go somewhere to research your activity and to rev up your creative juices. You've decided to make jewelry? Go to the bead store. Maybe you're going to take up painting? Go to an arts and crafts store. Need a new cookbook? Go to the bookstore; your mouth will be watering in no time.
Create a space or an area in your home for your creativity to blossom and flourish.
Activate your 'Creativity and Children' energy with a new, flowering indoor plant or bouquet of vibrant flowers.
Now, let yourself have fun, smile big, breathe deep and say a silent thank you in advance for the good things that will be coming to you now!
Haven't yet registered for Rich and Sexy Feng Shui Formula on line course? You may want to do so quickly, as the early bird discount ends this month and the course will be offered at the regular price of $297.00 beginning July 1st.
Register now at www.RichandSexyFengShui.com
"Now, That's Good Feng Shui!"
Live Inspired!
America's #1 Feng Shui Coach
Get Your Free Download Copy of My Book:
"Everyday Feng Shui: Simple Tips for Home and Office"
at: www.HarrahBrown.com
Follow me on:
[email protected]
Harrah Brown
America's # 1 Feng Shui Coach
Harrah Brown International LLC
P.O. Box 19875
Reno, NV 89511
Summer means fun regardless of your age. When is the last time you had a good belly laugh that brought tears to your eyes, remember those days? Having fun lifts your energy, puts a smile on your face and attracts opportunity for travel, romance, and passion!
When I consult a client who is overworked, stressed out - burnt out, and tired, I always look at their 'Creativity and Children' area of the bagua (middle right side of your home looking in from your front door) as this is the area that allows you to express your creativity and childlike, playful nature. If you're ready to have some good 'ole fun, then prepare to attract more opportunity, romance and passion!
This Week: Have Fun, Shift Your Energy and Attract The Good Life!
Think about an activity that is fun for you. Is it trying out a new, fabulous recipe, pulling out your art supplies, trying your hand at growing tomatoes, ski diving, swimming, or playing a good 'ole board game with your sweetie?
Select one FUN activity you want to do.
Schedule and plan a time to enjoy your fun activity. For example, call the dance studio for class times, plan a trip to the nursery this weekend after your morning walk, invite a friend over for a Sunday afternoon brunch and try out that fabulous new recipe.
Go somewhere to research your activity and to rev up your creative juices. You've decided to make jewelry? Go to the bead store. Maybe you're going to take up painting? Go to an arts and crafts store. Need a new cookbook? Go to the bookstore; your mouth will be watering in no time.
Create a space or an area in your home for your creativity to blossom and flourish.
Activate your 'Creativity and Children' energy with a new, flowering indoor plant or bouquet of vibrant flowers.
Now, let yourself have fun, smile big, breathe deep and say a silent thank you in advance for the good things that will be coming to you now!
Haven't yet registered for Rich and Sexy Feng Shui Formula on line course? You may want to do so quickly, as the early bird discount ends this month and the course will be offered at the regular price of $297.00 beginning July 1st.
Register now at www.RichandSexyFengShui.com
"Now, That's Good Feng Shui!"
Live Inspired!
America's #1 Feng Shui Coach
Get Your Free Download Copy of My Book:
"Everyday Feng Shui: Simple Tips for Home and Office"
at: www.HarrahBrown.com
Follow me on:
[email protected]
Harrah Brown
America's # 1 Feng Shui Coach
Harrah Brown International LLC
P.O. Box 19875
Reno, NV 89511