Business Card Magnets Add Additional Exposure
When a traditional card is handed out, it is either put in a safe place (where they will either forget about it or remember it), thrown in the trash can, dropped or lost.
When all those factors are working against the card, the mind often wanders to a different solution.
A business card magnet is that solution.
It combines the size and effectiveness of a card but gets the information where it needs to go.
In fact, our magnets are placed on one of the most sought after pieces of real estate in America- the refrigerator! People pass by the fridge many times a day and see the advertisement of information daily.
Other additional exposure is seen in the work place.
Many people place magnets on filing cabinets for both use and reference.
Providing information and a function is a great combination and business card magnets work so well.
A regular card selection only takes up space and needs to be stored somewhere.
In contrast, a magnet allows people to hold papers up onto a fridge, filing cabinet or similar item.
In all, there are many areas where a magnetic business card can be used where a card just simply cannot be.
They also last longer, always look new and remain in the convenient card size that you are used to!