Saving Money on Pizza - Some Tips You Can Use
If you have a mailbox, you're likely accustomed to getting a weekly dose of circulars and coupons straight from the post office. Many people take one look at this mass of paper and stuff it in the trash, cursing the gods who made "junk mail" a thing. You might be too quick to pass these offers up, however. Local pizza companies often put great deals in these circulars and you could be throwing away money if you don't save them. You might also want to check with your grocery store for those little booklets that contain coupons from area businesses.
Order Online
A few pizza companies let you order online, instead of calling. Not only that, but there may be special deals for ordering over your computer. Check out the website and see if there are any specials you can take advantage of. Another great thing about ordering online is a decreased chance of the restaurant getting your order wrong. If you're going to spend the money to order delivery, you at least want to make sure you get what you wanted. Having it in black and white is a good way to ensure that this happens.
Frequent Customer Discount
If you find yourself ordering from an establishment so often that you're starting to wonder if you're the one solely keeping them in business, you might want to ask about a frequent customer discount. Loyalty should be rewarded, and many managers and owners are happy to do just that. You'll have to ask for it, of course, since you'll probably fly under the radar unless you tend to make a big scene every time you order your food. If you are ordering for a large contingent, like an office, you may also be able to qualify for a bulk discount.