How to Get Started in Ceramics
Things You'll Need
Build Interest in a Ceramics Hobby
1Educate yourself on the history and technical aspects of ceramics through a local conference. The American Ceramic Society is an organization that reaches out to hobbyists interested in one of the world's oldest crafts (see Resources below). You can use the society's website to find events in your area.
Adjust yourself to the ceramics process through the growing business of pottery stores. Small freestanding ceramics stores have opened up all over the United States to help hobbyists customize pottery and earthen wares. These businesses often provide full access to their customers as a way to educate the public on ceramics.
Register for a ceramics course at your local college or university. Most universities have adult education courses in art and ceramics that are good for hobbyists with a degree in another professional area. Community colleges also provide certificate programs for students interested in taking their ceramics hobby further.
Gather glazes, paints and other accessories for your ceramic at the start of your hobby. You can find these supplies at art stores, university book stores and hobby shops.
Ensure access to a kiln before investing heavily in ceramics supplies. You can speak with friends or family first to find out if they know anyone with a kiln. After that, speak with ceramics teachers and store owners to determine the price needed to use their ceramics equipment.
Sketch out special designs or accents that you want to add to your ceramics piece. Materials like clay start to dry out and become difficult to mold if you spend too much time revising your design on the fly.