How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Like You Again
More so, if you're still in love with the guy.
The first thing you ought to know is why did he break up with you in the first place? Was it something you said? Was it something you did? When you know what the real score is, you'll find it easier to win him back again.
To prevent any breakup however, or at least to have an easy one, you need to understand that it takes two to tango.
Your relationship should be governed by both of you and not by him or you alone.
Put value into your relationship and value each other.
Respect your partner so he'll treat you with the same respect.
Soon you'll find your relationship stronger and longer.
Handling Arguments Misunderstandings and petty fights are normal in a relationship.
You'll need them as they add spark to your relationship.
They are also tests for a stronger bond between the two of you.
When you do have arguments of some sort, don't fight fire with fire.
It means that if he is angry, don't lash at him as well.
This will only turn into a word war and you'll just end up hurt.
Keep your cool when he's angry.
At the same time, tell him to calm down when it's you who's fuming.
Talk About It Once both of you have calmed down, sit down and talk about the problem so you can find ways to solve it.
Don't leave any problem unsolved for the next day.
Do it at once so you'll know what made him mad or what made you mad.
There's nothing sweeter than having to kiss and make up after a huge fight.
Back to the Breakup Issue If your boyfriend still wants to break up with you, don't plead nor beg.
Accept it and tell him that it's perfectly fine with you.
Give him the time and space that he wants.
And don't even dare to pick up that phone and call him.
Keeping yourself away from him will eventually make him realize how important you are and how much he's been missing you these days.
In the meantime, don't go moping around and crying your heart out every time you hear a love song in the radio.
Go out and have fun.
Show him that you're stronger than what he thought.
And after that, find ways to make him run back into your arms again.