Ex. 701-3 of 10,000-Years-Ago Norm: Coffee, Chemicals, Overwork

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As a rule, the best policy for our life is to do as we were 10,000 years ago. There are 3 examples again:

Ex. 701. Coffee does NOT wake you up. It's all in your mind

According to Daily Mail (dailymail.co, June 2, 2010), a study published online in the Journal of Neuropsychopharmocology shows that a cup of coffee does not really awake you in the morning but it is a dependency of bad habit something like smoking, based on the examination of 379 people by Peter Rogers et al at Bristol University.

Inferring from the 10,000-years-ago norm and common sense, it is obvious that coffee should not do us good, because our ancestors did not drink it 10,000 years ago and thus our instincts most probably can not utilize it. (1-4)

Ex. 702.  Non-natural Chemicals cause Cancer

According to the article of "New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer" in The New York Times (nytimes.com, May 6, 2010), the President's Caner Panel reported the dangerous situation that only 1% of the unnatural manmade 80,000 chemicals in use has been tested for safety and many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated.

Based on 10,000-years-ago norm and common sense, it is obviously right. This is because all our instincts, which control all our functions of the body, are the successful experiences of our ancestors in 10,000 years ago. However, the newly synthesized non-natural chemicals have not been experienced by our body long enough to develop methods to cope with them successfully without cancerization. (1-3)  

Ex. 703. Overtime Work Increases Heart Disease

According to BBC NEWS (news.bbc.co.uk, May 11, 2010), a study of 6,000 people, published in European Heart Journal, overtime work may increase people heart disease as high as 60%.

Based on the 10,000 years ago norm or our common sense, this phenomenon is natural, because it violates the norm or our instincts or our ancestors' successful experiences saved on our DNA. There was no today's overtime work in the norm for that ancient time. So, our hearts still work strictly according to that norm because there is no change of our physiology since then. (1-3)

References:  #1. W. Ying, articlesbasee.com, "Happy Life, Instincts, Wisdom, and Human Computer System."  #2. ibid, "Valid Happiness, Instinct and Wisdom."  #3. ibid, "Competing Instinct-Blindly or Instinct-Wisely?"  #4. ibid,  Delicious Taste, Health, Instinct and Wisdom.  #4. ibid, "Delicious Taste, Health, Instinct and Wisdom."

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