A Guide to Getting Your Ex Back - How to Win Your Love Back in Three Simple Steps
Most relationships can be restored? in fact, over 90% of couples have a chance to get back together.
If you are willing to just follow three simple rules, you'll win your love back in no time at all.
First, you need to give your ex some distance.
This may sound insane, but it really works.
You see, after the break up, both of you are hurting.
By keeping your distance, you allow yourself and your ex some time to heal.
Also, if you've been begging or pleading to get your ex back, you've been hurting your chances.
Constantly contacting your ex is one way to drive him further away.
Second, you need to work on yourself.
Chances are, your ex was attracted to you at the beginning of the relationship.
You need to regain that and make yourself even more attractive, both externally and on the inside.
Take some time to work out to relieve stress and improve your body.
Also, pamper yourself? you'll feel and look better for it.
Third, you need to be a little hard to get, but not too difficult to obtain.
Sometimes just keeping your distance for a few weeks will accomplish this.
You want to be available but not there on demand.
You want to be the forbidden fruit your ex will do anything to get.
If you can pull this off, he'll be the one wanting to restart the relationship.