7 Top Tips For Attracting Your Soul Mate
Don't be put off though -- you'll still gain lots from the following top tips for women: TIP #1 -- Wear pink! Wearing something in the colour pink -- any shade, will grab the attention of would-be suitors.
Men in particular seem to be very attracted to the colour pink, and it is well known as the colour connected to love.
Pink gives off the loving, caring, and affectionate vibrations associated with love to potential partners.
It whispers "Come hither, I won't bite".
Unlike the colour red, which conveys a different, more dangerous signal! Most women know that it is not too difficult to attract a man who is only interested in sex.
The hard part is attracting a true soul mate, who will love you as an equal, stay forever faithful to you, and treat you as a Queen -- forever! TIP #2 -- Wear Jasmine perfume Wear perfume that in heavily laced with Jasmine Oil.
This particular perfume oil has been used by women to attract men for centuries.
Use sparingly though as it is powerfully potent! Using a blended perfume containing other ingredients that incorporate and compliment Jasmine is perhaps even more potent.
Other scents to add are Ylang Ylang, Rose or Neroli.
All these are renowned for their strong connection with the heart and love.
TIP #3 -- Sniff him out To attract, recognise and reciprocate a real love involves all 5 senses, the most important of which is smell.
Just as animals do in nature, we can smell the right mate for us.
This of course is instinctive and you should 'sniff' out the right man for you.
You'll need to get physically close to a potential love partner and get past any fragrance they may be wearing.
This is where the office party with close, intimate dancing has its advantages! Smell all the men you are attracted to and if their scent excites you and makes you weak at the knees, then you are halfway to identifying a perfect soul mate for you.
TIP #4 -- Jump in the frog pond Lots of women spend their time waiting for a handsome Prince to come knocking at their door, to carry them away for a life of bliss and happiness.
This only happens in fairy tales unfortunately! To find your perfect Prince you need to kiss a few frogs first, and even the odd toad too! You'll need to take every opportunity to mix and socialise with as many potential mates as possible.
Accept lots of invitations and never miss an opportunity to meet new people.
Treat it as a man hunt, to track down your perfect soul mate, and don't worry if you have to throw a few back.
TIP #5 -- Be the best "You", you can be It may be an old cliche but you must first really love yourself before you can expect others to do the same.
If you are the healthiest person you can be -- body, mind and soul -- then you'll soon find a soul mate.
Your physical appearance should be the best you can make it.
This means striving for a healthy shape and weight by dumping the junk food, eating only good unprocessed nutritious food, drinking water and doing daily exercise.
Good hair, nails, clear complexion and feeling good about yourself naturally follows this healthy regimen.
Mentally, you need to strive to learn new and varied things continually.
This not only keeps the old grey matter healthy but also has the added benefit of making you knowledgeable and interesting to potential partners.
Emotionally, the natural outcome of a healthy body and mind is a real boost in self esteem and a boosted confidence.
You'll feel good because you look good and feel confident that you have valid views and opinions on a wide range of subjects.
And there is nothing more attractive than a confident, happy and interesting person.
Be the best person you can, and you'll be ready to allow a soul mate into your life.
TIP #6 -- Smile Sounds simple, but a warm, genuine smile is so attractive.
Just smiling more will open up so many more opportunities, you will be surprised.
To attract admirers just try it out and you'll soon see.
TIP #7 -- Cast a spell! This is easier than it sounds and is not at all spooky! Simple ingredients, a candle or two and real intent are all that's required to cast a simple attract a soul mate Love Spell.
Here's a simple one that anyone can Cast themselves: Light a pink candle and scatter dried sage around its base.
Walk around the candle 3 times and chant 3 times aloud this rhyme: Grant to me my wish I make Of love to give and love to take Equal and fair bring henceforth to me Love to share So mote it be Now blow out the candle and imagine your perfect soul mate at your side.
Practice these simple things in your life and you are sure to light a light within you that others will see from a distance!