How to Get Birds to Use Birdfeeders
- 1). Decide what type of birds you want to attract and select the appropriate birdfeeder. For instance, if you want only small birds to eat from the feeder, choose one that is difficult for larger birds to stand on or feed from. Birdfeeders that are easy for small birds to use have smaller ledges and food openings that are close to where they perch.
- 2). Hang the birdfeeder in a desirable area. Birds typically like to eat in areas where they feel safe. Because they have many predators and rivals for food, they may avoid eating from certain areas if they feel threatened. Hang the birdfeeder at eye level or a bit higher and place it in a quiet, peaceful area. Avoid hanging the birdfeeder too low or near anything another animal, such as a squirrel, cat or chipmunk, could use to jump onto the feeder. In addition, try to hang the feeder in a covered area. This offers comfort and security to the birds.
- 3). Choose the type of feed to use depending on the kind of birds you'd like to attract or choose something enjoyed by many birds, such as sunflower seeds. If your favorite bird likes to eat insects, place suet cake around your yard but if you do use suet, make sure to place it in a feeder designed specifically for this purpose. Believe it or not, woodpeckers, blue jays and other birds actually like to eat popcorn. Sprinkle popped kernels around your yard to attract the birds to your feeder.
- 4). Birds are attracted to water because it provides a drinking and bathing source so place a birdbath near your feeder. Once the birds start to enjoy your watering hole, they will likely notice that a food source is nearby and start taking advantage of your generous offering.