MLM Key to Your Success - Believe in Yourself First - The First Step in Living on Purpose
First of all what does that mean exactly and how do you arrive at a place where you are living on purpose? To answer that I had to take a very hard look at where I was and evaluate how I arrived there Have you ever been out driving and you are on automatic? You've done it for so long that you don't have to think about it.
That is the way I found myself a few years ago.
Living on automatic.
When I arrived at the end of my day, I didn't have very much I could say I had even done that was worth anything.
I spent a lot of it either playing mindless games on the internet or searching for things that didn't matter.
Sometimes I would go do something in the house, or make an errand.
TV was a big waster of a large portion of my time.
It was no wonder I was on the fast-track to Nothingville.
One day I woke up, I looked at where I was, and how I had spent so much of my life.
That's not to say I didn't do anything, I am successfully married, and have 3 grown children who lead productive lives, so that is something important.
Often people don't give that much credit, but your children are a reflection of you, if you life is a mess, very likely theirs are too.
Mostly I am talking about making a lasting difference, it requires actually planning, taking action, and having a real goal in mind.
That takes discipline which is something I had to learn, it was not natural.
The pay-off though has been incredible.
So how do you live on Purpose? First of all, I found that I focused a lot on what I had done in the past that didn't work out, that I failed at.
I didn't give myself much credit on my successes.
That is the first thing I changed, with the help of my coach and started looking at what I did right, and not just what I did wrong.
I made a list, have you ever had to make a list of your GOOD attributes? Many people have a problem with it.
Its not bragging but when you do it, you start to feel much better about yourself.
Who am I? I started to really dig in and decide who I was.
What made me tick? What thoughts did I entertain.
Where did those thoughts even come from, were they mine? Sometimes they weren't.
We are a composite of all the thoughts of our parents, and other relatives, teachers, and any other associates we have had contact with over our lifetime! Wow, now think about that, if your thoughts are really yours, why do so many of them really reflect what others have said, or even said about us? Now What? Now I went about the process, and am still in that process of examining and changing any thoughts that were of no service to me.
They held me back, made me small or limited my progress.
You have to be honest in this assessment.
When you are, you peel back all the stuff, and find YOU.
My Purpose Then once I found the real core me, and what my values were, I could be a watcher of those thoughts, and evaluate whether I am going to let them stay.
If they were not in service of my core values, they go in file 13.
Gone, and no longer focusing on them.
Then the passion, and inspiration floods in, its incredible! Its so much easier too.
Everyday is an adventure! The Point The point is that I got a hold of myself and I started to replace each and everyone of those negative self-talks with positive, as simple as one at a time.
And you can too.
Now when it comes to Network Marketing that is especially critical to your success.
Even the most talented marketer can loose the game if that is what is going on inside.
I found this process is difficult to do totally on your own.
For one thing you have no way to measure your progress.
You don't get any positive feedback.
You don't have a coach or mentor that truly wants to see you succeed.
I hooked up with the most positive people I could find, and I let them be my promoters.
They believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself.
I stayed close to them, I let them coach me (notice the word let) because many people really don't let it in, they think they know better, and they go on doing the things that have led them to failure.
I have learned that my failure in network marketing was due to even "coaches" that fed me some negative stuff as well.
"Why can't you do it, it works for me?" "Must be your attitude, whats going on inside that you can't get new distributors?" "These are the same leads I use, must be you.
" Hmmm so I bought it, and it wasn't true.
Most of our beliefs if we truly start to examine them are coming from other people as the above examples illustrate.
Can you believe that? Its actually up to us to change that by purposely replacing them with supportive beliefs that will help us progress to where we want to go.
If we are not making progress we are actually going backwards.
The Turn Around I found a group of people that are serious about building their business but have also learned to create the open atmosphere of trust and acceptance.
I can share that with you.
It took me from Nothingville, to a very strong future in Network Marketing.