Couples Baby Shower Invitation Ideas
- Create two invitations to be sent in the same envelope. One should be pink, the other blue. The pink invitation should say, "She is invited" on the cover and the blue invitation says, "He is invited."
The inside of the pink invitation should say "To a baby shower celebrating our new baby!" The blue invitation should say "To Jon's last party before becoming a daddy!" or something as clever. The location, date and time should be identical on both invitations. - Create your own baby shower invitations using a photo editing program. Add all of the information about the baby shower and be sure to label the top of the inside of the card "Couple's Shower."
The creativity comes from the baby registry information. Include the normal registry card that says "Megan is registered at Babies R Us!" with information on how to access the list. Include a second registry list from another retail store. This card should specify that it's Daddy's Registry and needs to be for a different store from the real baby shower registry.
Go to the selected retailer and create a Daddy Registry of things he will need when the baby arrives. Be silly and have fun. Include things such as ear plugs, caffeine pills, hair dye (for his graying hair) and any other silly things daddy might need or enjoy having as he prepares for fatherhood. - Use a photo of the happy couple as the cover of the invitation. Fade the picture so that it is easier to read text that is printed directly over the picture. The cover text should say, "It takes a couple to / Fall In Love / Make a baby / and.... " The inside of the invitation should say "celebrate a baby shower! We're inviting all our friends, men and women, to celebrate the miracle of our new baby." Add any pertinent information about the shower.
His & Her Invites
Silly Gifts Invite
It Takes A Couple...