Personal Success Dynamics

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Success comes with a price tag. With each step forward there is an expended effort. Personal success is the dynamics of applying correct effort to planned ideas. Success is defined as obtaining worthwhile personal goals. How easy is that? Simply map out the route and stay on the road.

How about company or organizational goals? How different are they than personal goals?

The miracle contained within God's creation of the human body teaches many lessons. It is surprisingly simple yet, profoundly complex. When put under the microscope, what do we find? Single cell unites, of life acting together in unison for a common cause to form tissues . . . tissues, uniting together to form organs . . . organs coordinating their functions to form systems . . . and systems cooperating as a dynamic organism we call man. And, God breathed into man to make him a living soul. What a marvelous achievement for the creator of the Universe. Man, part earth, part God but all living, conscious being.

What is the common denominator of man? Teamwork . . . all systems must work together to achieve success. What is the purpose of man? Man was created to please God as he experiences life. Life! Growth! Action! Achievement! This can only be accomplished in a dynamic organism called man. Only man has the ability to think and act on his thought as a progression toward success. Yes, only man can accomplish by using coordinated systems to function. Only man was given the gift of a "living soul."

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This same law is demonstrated in all aspects of business, government, and society. One executive does not run a fortune five hundred company and one man does not dictate policy to a society. It takes many people on all levels implementing the best-laid strategies to bring a corporation to a successful product. The fact is, any well-laid strategy must come from the efforts of many. It took thousands of experts to put a man on the moon and it also took thousand of people working together to develop and put into place our interstate highway system. When utilizing the best of the best in a teamwork effort, anything can be accomplished. Skyscrapers are built, infrastructures are put into place, and aircraft fly around the world, how, by joining multiple minds together for a single purpose. You can prepare for just that by being "Dedicated to your highest spiritual development, social success and financial growth." You are the captain; of the ship that will take you safely on your journey.

In our ever-complex world, Governments and large companies as well are leaning toward the dynamics of an ever-growing analyses that the "multiple mind" concept produces more favorable results. Governments and larger companies are more alert to this concept because they are better equipped with pertinent data and staff specialists who are fully alert to the multitude of minds and materials available to their particular projects.

It is the growing function as internal specialist, not so much to bring their own expertise to bear on their companies problems, but rather to be the eyes and ears of operating management to point out where the exact help that is needed can be obtained. to choose the individual service best suited to the need, and to interpret and evaluate the results.

Specialist may provide all the information needed but it is still a test of your willingness; to see if you have the fortitude to carry out the task. Success is a test of endurance, desire, and commitment that always resist capture. Success is an elusive mistress who if not attended to, will betray you for another. The fact is, personal accomplishments, stewardship and financial success may go hand in hand but without a clear-cut course of action, they are nothing more than pipe dreams that are allusive and may never be achieved. They must materialize in your mind first before they will materialize physically.

But, everything is relative as each action affects its' own result while every problem contains its' own answer. The answer has to be sought out and defined. A target may seem clear but is elusive until defined. It's like a shadow; there is no substance until you materialize it. There may be five targets set up on a target practice course but you would not know which to shoot at unless you identified your particular target. Be sure you are shooting at your target and not someone else's. It is easy to mistakenly work toward someone else's goal thinking all the while it is yours.

There is no virtue in failure. Where have you ever heard that a failed man helped the poor? It is the wealthy who organize fund raisers for the poor, and sick. It is the wealthy who build parks and wings on hospitals.
The fact is you will not become wealthy without a clearly defined goal or plan. Each goal or target is affected by cause and affect. This law of action contains forces that drive an object toward completion. The more rewarding the project is, the harder you have to work to obtain it. No one said it would be a bed of roses and you will get what you want on a silver platter. It takes hard work, which has and always will be the backbone of American success. Really, it's no big deal; just keep focused on the brass ring. Even God worked, and worked hard, to bring His creation into a reality. He worked so hard he rested when he finished. And how about His passion for man? You can see it all around you, blue sky, green grass, the flowers, how beautiful they are.
Success is defined in its completion. There can be no success without goals and there can be no goals without success. Success therefore demonstrates, direction with purpose.

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