An Overview of Family Allowances and Benefits in France
There are a number of allowances and benefits available to those who have children in France. Under Section L. 512-1 of the Social Security Code 'any French or foreign person residing in France with one or more dependent children also residing in France, is entitled to family benefits for those children'.
Family benefits are awarded for 'legitimate, illegitimate, adopted and foster children' as long as they are dependents of the person claiming benefits. The majority of benefits are available until the child is 20 as long as they do not have earnings over 55% of the minimum wage. However the maximum age for the payment of family income support is 21 years old.
All family benefits are calculated as a percentage of a monthly family benefit base (BMAF) which is decided by the French government.
Family benefits include;
Maintenance Benefits
Family allowance
Paid to families with 2 or more dependent children living in France regardless of income or how long you have been employed. From 1st January 2010;
Two children - 124.50 €
Each additional child - 159.57 €
For families with two children this may be increased by 35.03 € when the children are aged between 11 and 16 and by 62.27 € when the children are over 16.
Flat rate allowance
This is payable to families with 3 or more dependent children whose family allowance has been reduced due to one of the children reaching the age of 20. The flat rate of 78.75 € (2010) is paid on the first day of the month of the childs 20th birthday up to the month before their 21st birthday.
Family income supplement
A means tested benefit which is payable to families with at least three children all aged between 3 and 21 years old. The amount in 2010 is 162.10 €.
Family support allowance
This allowance is payable to anyone looking after any orphaned or half-orphaned child, any child not regarded as a legitimate child of either parent or if the child's mother and/or father fails to provide adequate support. This allowance is not means tested.
The allowance is 116.76 € for an orphaned child and 87.57 € for a half orphaned child.
Infant Accommodation Benefit (PAJE)
The PAJE consist of several benefits which have been merged for simplicity. The PAJE is payable for children born after 1st January 2004 and consists of;
•Birth/adoption grant - a means tested allowance to cover the expenses related to the birth or adoption of a child and is paid either in the 7th month of pregnancy or when the adoption is finalised. For pregnancy the grant is 894.19 € and for an adoption the grant is 1,788.37 €.
•Basic allowance - this is a means tested benefit paid from when a child is born until a month before their 3rd birthday. To qualify the child must have a medical examination before 8 days old and during their 9th and 24th month. The allowance is also paid for an adoption when the benefit is paid for three years after the childs arrival as long as the child is under 20 years old. For both birth and adoption the allowance is 178.84 €.
•CLCA & COLCA - a supplement for 'free choice of working time' is not means tested and is intended to allow a parent to stop working or work less to look after a child. Families with at least three children, whose youngest child was born or adopted after the 1st July 2006 and who has one parent who has given up work completely to look after the child, can opt for the optional supplement for free choice of activity (COLCA) which is higher than the CLCA but doesn't last so long. To qualify for either the parent who is giving up work must have worked during the full two year period preceding the birth of a first child, during two years of the four year period preceding the birth of a second child and during two years of the five year period preceding the birth of a third child or more. The CLCA is paid for six months for a first child and up to the third birthday for a second child and any additional children. The COLCA is paid for a period of one year only. If the family is not entitled to the means-tested basic allowance, the amount of the basic allowance will be added to the supplement for free choice of working time. If the parent gives up work totally the level of benefit is 554.88 €, works part time is 421.93 €. The COLCA rate is 789.54 €.
•Free choice of childcare supplement - this is paid to a family who employ a registered childminder in their own home. The benefit covers both the childminders wage and a payment for all or part of the social security contributions payable as an employer of a childminder.
Special Purpose Benefits
Educational allowance for a disabled child
This allowance is paid to parents of a severely disabled child under 20 years of age and with a disability rating of at least 80%. The child's condition is classified by a Committee for the Rights and Self-dependency of Disabled Persons (CDAPH) in one of six categories, using a rating scale that assesses the special care needs and costs, the financial consequences arising from the disability and/or loss of income for a parent staying at home to look after the child, and the need for a paid carer. The level of benefit depends on which of the six categories the child is considered.
The allowance is not means tested but is not payable if the child is in a residential school.
Back to school allowance
This allowance is paid for any school aged child aged between 6 and 18 who is attending school full time. The level of the allowance depends on the age of the child and is mean tested;
•For each child aged 6 to 10 years - 282.17 €
•For each child aged 11 to 14 - 297.70 €
•For each child aged 15 to 18 - 308.05 €
Daily parental attendance allowance
An allowance paid to any person who looks after a child under 20 who is suffering from an illness or handicap which requires constant care. To qualify the carer must have to take time off work and also be eligible for the parents attendance leave. A doctors certificate is also required.
The level of allowance is 41.37 € per day if the carer is part of a couple and 49.16 € per day if the carer is single. The benefit is paid for up to 310 days over a three year period.
Family housing allowance
A family benefit to help with housing costs and is dependent on property, rent paid and family income.
Moving allowance
A means tested benefit paid to families with at least 3 children who are entitled to housing benefits and is paid on moving home.
Please note that all family benefits except special education allowance and moving allowance, are subject to a 0.5% CRDS tax which is collected before the benefit is paid.
Further Information
Please visit the CAF website.
Further Financial information can be found in the Guide 2 Brittany 'Money & Finance' section, including Inheritance Tax, Bank Accounts, Paying tax, Registering as an Auto Entrepreneur, Foreign Currency...
Family benefits are awarded for 'legitimate, illegitimate, adopted and foster children' as long as they are dependents of the person claiming benefits. The majority of benefits are available until the child is 20 as long as they do not have earnings over 55% of the minimum wage. However the maximum age for the payment of family income support is 21 years old.
All family benefits are calculated as a percentage of a monthly family benefit base (BMAF) which is decided by the French government.
Family benefits include;
Maintenance Benefits
Family allowance
Paid to families with 2 or more dependent children living in France regardless of income or how long you have been employed. From 1st January 2010;
Two children - 124.50 €
Each additional child - 159.57 €
For families with two children this may be increased by 35.03 € when the children are aged between 11 and 16 and by 62.27 € when the children are over 16.
Flat rate allowance
This is payable to families with 3 or more dependent children whose family allowance has been reduced due to one of the children reaching the age of 20. The flat rate of 78.75 € (2010) is paid on the first day of the month of the childs 20th birthday up to the month before their 21st birthday.
Family income supplement
A means tested benefit which is payable to families with at least three children all aged between 3 and 21 years old. The amount in 2010 is 162.10 €.
Family support allowance
This allowance is payable to anyone looking after any orphaned or half-orphaned child, any child not regarded as a legitimate child of either parent or if the child's mother and/or father fails to provide adequate support. This allowance is not means tested.
The allowance is 116.76 € for an orphaned child and 87.57 € for a half orphaned child.
Infant Accommodation Benefit (PAJE)
The PAJE consist of several benefits which have been merged for simplicity. The PAJE is payable for children born after 1st January 2004 and consists of;
•Birth/adoption grant - a means tested allowance to cover the expenses related to the birth or adoption of a child and is paid either in the 7th month of pregnancy or when the adoption is finalised. For pregnancy the grant is 894.19 € and for an adoption the grant is 1,788.37 €.
•Basic allowance - this is a means tested benefit paid from when a child is born until a month before their 3rd birthday. To qualify the child must have a medical examination before 8 days old and during their 9th and 24th month. The allowance is also paid for an adoption when the benefit is paid for three years after the childs arrival as long as the child is under 20 years old. For both birth and adoption the allowance is 178.84 €.
•CLCA & COLCA - a supplement for 'free choice of working time' is not means tested and is intended to allow a parent to stop working or work less to look after a child. Families with at least three children, whose youngest child was born or adopted after the 1st July 2006 and who has one parent who has given up work completely to look after the child, can opt for the optional supplement for free choice of activity (COLCA) which is higher than the CLCA but doesn't last so long. To qualify for either the parent who is giving up work must have worked during the full two year period preceding the birth of a first child, during two years of the four year period preceding the birth of a second child and during two years of the five year period preceding the birth of a third child or more. The CLCA is paid for six months for a first child and up to the third birthday for a second child and any additional children. The COLCA is paid for a period of one year only. If the family is not entitled to the means-tested basic allowance, the amount of the basic allowance will be added to the supplement for free choice of working time. If the parent gives up work totally the level of benefit is 554.88 €, works part time is 421.93 €. The COLCA rate is 789.54 €.
•Free choice of childcare supplement - this is paid to a family who employ a registered childminder in their own home. The benefit covers both the childminders wage and a payment for all or part of the social security contributions payable as an employer of a childminder.
Special Purpose Benefits
Educational allowance for a disabled child
This allowance is paid to parents of a severely disabled child under 20 years of age and with a disability rating of at least 80%. The child's condition is classified by a Committee for the Rights and Self-dependency of Disabled Persons (CDAPH) in one of six categories, using a rating scale that assesses the special care needs and costs, the financial consequences arising from the disability and/or loss of income for a parent staying at home to look after the child, and the need for a paid carer. The level of benefit depends on which of the six categories the child is considered.
The allowance is not means tested but is not payable if the child is in a residential school.
Back to school allowance
This allowance is paid for any school aged child aged between 6 and 18 who is attending school full time. The level of the allowance depends on the age of the child and is mean tested;
•For each child aged 6 to 10 years - 282.17 €
•For each child aged 11 to 14 - 297.70 €
•For each child aged 15 to 18 - 308.05 €
Daily parental attendance allowance
An allowance paid to any person who looks after a child under 20 who is suffering from an illness or handicap which requires constant care. To qualify the carer must have to take time off work and also be eligible for the parents attendance leave. A doctors certificate is also required.
The level of allowance is 41.37 € per day if the carer is part of a couple and 49.16 € per day if the carer is single. The benefit is paid for up to 310 days over a three year period.
Family housing allowance
A family benefit to help with housing costs and is dependent on property, rent paid and family income.
Moving allowance
A means tested benefit paid to families with at least 3 children who are entitled to housing benefits and is paid on moving home.
Please note that all family benefits except special education allowance and moving allowance, are subject to a 0.5% CRDS tax which is collected before the benefit is paid.
Further Information
Please visit the CAF website.
Further Financial information can be found in the Guide 2 Brittany 'Money & Finance' section, including Inheritance Tax, Bank Accounts, Paying tax, Registering as an Auto Entrepreneur, Foreign Currency...