Niche Marketing Strategy - How to Choose the Best Niche For You
More precisely in fact, we need to discuss what a niche is not.
A niche is not a simple topic.
For example, "Internet marketing" would not qualify as a niche.
Internet marketing is a broad topic with many individual topics that are the individual niches.
In fact, the word "niche" has its origin in nature.
An organism finds itself in its niche when it has adapted itself to its surroundings.
That creature and no other creature can live in that environment.
When you are looking for your niche, you need to decide what environment you are most suited to.
How can we look at this from an online marketing stand point? The first major difference is that we do not want to go where no one else is.
The inclination of many marketers is to find a niche where no one else is working and believe that there will be ones fortune.
Unfortunately, that seldom works.
If you are lucky enough to find a successful niche that no one else is occupying then you will certainly be one of the elite marketers.
My preference, and the preference of many others is to find an area where others are already working.
If some are already working that area then chances are, there are people looking also.
The similarity to our nature example, find an area that you are comfortable in and will flourish.
I don't want to you think that this means you should think of one thing that you know and love and stick with that until it works.
You should be an expert in a machine shop environment with 25 years experience in that area and I guarantee that you will not make a single dollar online.
Look at it from the perspective of your potential market, what area do you really understand, are comfortable working in that can either solve someone's problem, or improve the quality of their lives.
Do you know of a physical pain or ailment that you can help someone get rid of? Can you help someone to get 50% off their next cruise? We respond to a reduction in pain or an increase in pleasure.
And we are willing to pay money for that.
This is when we also start to look into what we know.
It is the combination that will make us successful at choosing a niche.