How to Use Standard Naming Conventions in Mulitmedia
- 1). Ensure cross-platform compatibility for multimedia files on your website by naming them with 8 or fewer characters. Use only lower case letters from a to z and numbers from 0 - 9 in your file names. You may also use the underscore ("_") character, but no dashes or special characters.
- 2). Leave no spaces in between the eight characters of your file names. Begin your file names with a letter as opposed to a number. Include a period at the end of the file name.
- 3). Add a three-digit file extension after the period in your file name, to complete your file name. Use one of the following accepted ISO 9660 extensions for multimedia files that you intend to be viewed within a user's web browser and accessed through your website:
.txt (ASCII text file)
.htm (hyper text mark-up language file)
.dir (Director movie)
.dxr (locked Director movie)
.mov (Quicktime for Windows)
.avi (video for Windows)
.wav (wave audio file)
.aif (audio interchange file format)
.gif (GIF picture)
.jpg (JPEG picture)
.swf (Shockwave file)
.fla (Flash movie)
.exe (executable self-running application)