How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy Vines
Is your landscaping overrun with poison ivy vines and/or their rash-causing relatives? In the material that follows, I supply information on the identification of the vines (since it is best to know what you are fighting), as well as of poison oak and poison sumac. Treatment tips are also included. Most importantly, I teach you how to get rid of these treacherous plants, including how to do it safely.
Pictures of Poison Ivy Vines for Identification and Eradication
Begin with my gallery, "Pictures of Poison Ivy." If a picture is worth a thousand words, then using images to identify poison ivy just makes sense as a first step. My full article also has poison ivy pictures and is my general introduction to the topic of dealing with poison ivy and poison oak. Proper identification of poison ivy vines is of paramount concern, whether you wish simply to avoid them or to eradicate poison ivy. Identification is facilitated with a closeup photo of the poison ivy's telltale "leaves of 3," as well as other pictures of poison ivy. Eradication methods are reviewed, after a brief look at treatment for the rash caused by the weed:
Poison Ivy Pictures
Treatment for Poison Ivy Rash
Many plant-lovers are curious about treatment for poison ivy rash that involves natural remedies. This article begins with a look at one such remedy, before moving on to information for medical treatment. Links are provided to information on medical treatment for the rash caused by poison ivy written by professionals:
Treatment for Poison Ivy Rash
How to Get Rid of Poison Oak Plants
If you live on the West Coast of the U.S., that "itchy vine" in your backyard is probably not poison ivy. What you need to know is how to get rid of poison oak plants:
How to Get Rid of Poison Oak Plants
Poison Sumac Identification
My poison sumac pictures will help you with the identification of the poisonous variety of sumac, which causes a severe skin irritation when touched. While poison sumac should, indeed, be avoided, don't develop a paranoia towards all sumac shrubs. Non-poisonous sumac shrubs will add wonderful fall foliage to your property and won't make you itch at all. Learn to identify poisonous sumac shrubs using the pictures in the following photo gallery:
Poison Sumac Identification
This article is one of the "stops" on the Virtual Amazing Race, a lesson plan suitable for grades 5 and up. Students gather research in a webquest of around-the-world topics and (optionally) create a Web site Using PowerPoint.