Maintaining Your Boat The Way You Should
Before anything else, the first and simplest way to maintain your boat is to wash it regularly. To remove residue if you boat in saltwater, be sure that you always rinse your boat thoroughly every after use with fresh water to remove all salt residues.
You can make your job easier if you make use of a long-handled boat brush or even a spray wand. Just drop by your nearest local marine retail shop and you'll be sure to find one. When you use soaps and cleaners when washing, you need to be certain that you use only those that are specifically designed for boats to protect your boat's finish.
If you think you're too lazy to let this chore slip away, just think about this fact: boats with clean hull bottoms are more fuel-efficient when compared to those that have algae covered hulls. A dirty hull can increase fuel consumption by as much as 30%.
Just the same with your car, you boat will also need its oil changed every certain period or mileage or so. Inboards, four-stroke outboards, and other stern drive boats need to have their oil changed regularly. Each boat model requires different frequency of oil change so be sure to refer to your owner's manual. A good rule of thumb though is to have your boat's oil changed every 100 hours of operation or at least once every year. Most boat owners do this task by themselves because there aren't any oil change shops for boats. Some have to bring their boats to their local dealer.
The good thing about this however is that in most cases changing the oil on boats is easier than changing the oil on cars. Get started first by warming up the engine and start it up. Turn off the engine, remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil. Have a filter change ready and replace the old one. Just replace the drain plug and then fill the engine with the new oil. Experts recommend that you use marine grade oil in your boat engine for maximum performance. Your boat's engine work much harder than car engines so the typical automotive oil just won't cut it the way marine oil can help your boat engine.
When time comes that you need another boat loan when your boat gets old, you can always sell your old one to help fund your new purchase. There are also bad credit lending specialists that provide easier application and faster approvals of boat loans. You can bet that you'll be off in your new boat in no time. Just be sure to always maintain it for maximum and efficient performance.