How to Build a Basic Workbench
- 1). Cut 4 pieces of 2x4 to 48 inches and 4 pieces at 21 inches. Use these to build two rectangles, 24 x 48 inches each.
Stand the 2x4s on edge. Set the 48-inch pieces parallel with each other, 24 inches apart. Set one 24-inch piece between the 48-inch pieces at each end. Attach the corners by driving 2 screws through the longer piece into the end of the shorter piece. Make sure your screws are snug and all pieces fit tight. - 2). Cut 4 pieces of 2x4 at 35¼ inches. These are your legs. Set one of the rectangle frames from Step 1 on a flat, sturdy surface. This is your bench top frame. Stand a leg on end in the corner of the frame with the long edge flat against the inside of the 24-inch piece. Screw the leg in place with at least 3 screws. Repeat in the other three corners.
- 3). Mark the legs with a quick square at 18 inches from the open end, away from the bench top. Slide the second 2x4 frame over the legs and down past the 18 inch mark. This is your shelf frame. Adjust the frame so that the edge away from the bench top lines up with the 18 inch mark. Clamp the frame to the legs with C clamps or quick clamps and attach it using at least 2 screws in each leg.
- 4). Turn the assembly over so that the bottoms of the legs are on the floor. The tops of the legs should sit inside the bench top frame, flush with the top.
- 5). Use a table saw or circular saw to cut 2 pieces of ¾-inch plywood 24 x 48 inches. Set one on top of the bench top frame and flush it up with all four edges. Screw it down with one screw every 8 to 10 inches. Predrill your pilot holes with a countersink bit and drive the screws through the plywood into the edge of the 2x4 frame.
- 6). Use a circular saw or jigsaw to notch all four corners of the remaining plywood piece 3½ x 3½ inches. Set it on top of the shelf frame with the notches against the legs and tap it into place with a hammer. Screw the shelf down in the same manner as the top.