Wish You Could Get Back Together With Your Ex?
If you've ever wanted to know a foolproof way of being more attractive to your ex and if you've ever wanted the secret to true happiness in love, all you need is a pen and paper and you and your ex mate will get back together faster than you could ever imagine.
Take the pen and paper and create a top-ten list of your perfect or ideal mate, but only include character or personality traits, not the physical attributes or status symbols.
The list might read like this: * Adventurous * Loves to travel * Well-Read * Philanthropic * Great Sense of Humor If you've really thought about the most important attributes, you are on your way to true love.
Take a moment to look over your list.
Put a check by every trait you possess.
This is necessary to be more realistic about relationships.
So often we desire traits in others that we do not possess.
Once you see the traits you don't naturally possess, make a conscious effort to exhibit those traits in everyday life or to foster them.
If you want an athletic mate but you're a couch potato, gradually integrate fitness into your life by exercising during every commercial.
If you want a mate with a great sense of humor but you take yourself too seriously, try to lighten up, learn to laugh at yourself.
You will find that once you possess the attributes you seek in a mate, the need for that mate is almost non-existent.
Why? If you have the same traits as your 'perfect or ideal mate' inside yourself, you no longer need to desperately search outside yourself.
When you love and accept yourself, when you start living life to the fullest, when you find the confidence to become your own soul-mate, when you stop searching and needing another person to be happy, you become irresistible to your ex and if you truly want to get back together, this simple list is the key.