How to Use Mason Hammers
- 1). Using the hammer. Line up the nail on the block exactly at the spot where it will be inserted. Touch the tip of the nail to the block, but to not press down. Hammer the nail on the head with the mason hammer. Be cautious to avoid injuries to hands or fingers when hammering in the nail.
- 2). Hit the nail a second time to make sure that it is completely secure in the block. It is not necessary to use hands for the second hit.
- 3). Using the chisel. To remove a section from the block with the mason hammer use the chisel side and chisel out the area of the block that is going to be removed. Hit the chisel hard on the block to make cracks around the area that is to be removed.
- 4). Find the direct center of the area and line up the hammer side there. Strike the block with the mason hammer. Hit it hard so the piece of block will be removed.
- 5). Chisel out the remaining pieces of block with the chisel side of the mason hammer. Be sure to go around the entire area until the desired hole has been made in the block.