Counting Our Blessings - Being Thankful Instead Of Greedy In A Relationship
I have found that one of the keys to being successful in business and in life is to be able to reflect and think about your successes.
So many times it is easy to get burdened down by what we don't have, or what we have yet to accomplish.
We can get so buried under all of that and we fail to see all the great things we do have and that we have accomplished.
When it comes to our love live's the same problem can arise.
We are so focused on what we don't have that we forget the great things we do have.
So I want you to try an exercise with me that will help you to shift your focus.
Even if you just do this once it will make a difference in how you see your partner.
Sit down, maybe pour yourself a glass of wine.
Make sure all the kids are in bed, the TV is off and you have peace.
I know for many of us that can be a rare moment.
So take advantage of it when it arises.
Close your eyes and think back over the last year of your life.
Think about each blessing you have received by virtue of the fact that you are in your current relationship.
These could be physical, emotional, spiritual, or other blessings.
When you think about a blessing, stop, focus on it and really think about how great it was.
Visualize it in your head, experience it all over again.
Now while you are experiencing that positive emotion think about the people who would have loved to been in that position you are in.
Think about how fortunate you are to have a friend and a lover who cares about you enough to have provided you this blessing.
One thing I want to point out is these blessings don't have to be huge to be meaningful.
It doesn't have to be that he bought you a new car.
Maybe it is something as simple as the friendship you have developed with his family, or the child that you have together taking piano lessons.
Savor these moments and realize that not everyone has blessings like these.
You are truly unique and special.