How Do I Stop Being A Victim?
When you feel like a victim and that everything is going wrong in your life it can be a very overwhelming feeling and can even sometimes get you into a rut in your life where you just want help out.
The best thing I can tell you is that you are, first, not a victim.
Secondly, it is all about three things in our life that we can change.
We have to first change our mind set into a positive one.
We have all had things happen to us sometime in our life and it is how we look at these issues and what we do from that area.
You can see the issue that you are going through and make a conscious choice to not be a victim but a survivor and learn from this lesson to go on.
Find the positive in the situation and build from that.
With every negative thing in the world there is always a polar opposite, so there must be a positive no matter how small that issue is.
Once you have accomplished finding the positive area in your life, you have to focus your energy in a positive way to keep this survivor feeling going in your life and not a victim feeling.
This will shift your energy to a positive mindset to continue from that point on.
We cannot change the past in anyway, so let's focus on the present and move forward.
For the energetic connections, after you have shifted your mindset, it is important to have an energy clearing done for the different issues you have gone through.
You could be carrying around past karma issues, stagnant energy, or many blockages in your energy fields.
These can bring about and attract more of the same and to have a full energy clearing done will refresh your energetic fields and bring in a new light to your life so that things will feel even more happy and clear for you.
After all of this has been done it is up to you to maintain your life.
This is where the responsibility factor comes into play.
We are responsible for the things in our life and have to take the first step today for all of these issues to draw in even more positive situations, people, and circumstances.
For a recap: first shift that mind-set to a positive one, second cleanse and clear all of the negative issues from within your energy fields, and third take responsibility for the things in your life from here on out and you will notice a major shift in your life!
The best thing I can tell you is that you are, first, not a victim.
Secondly, it is all about three things in our life that we can change.
We have to first change our mind set into a positive one.
We have all had things happen to us sometime in our life and it is how we look at these issues and what we do from that area.
You can see the issue that you are going through and make a conscious choice to not be a victim but a survivor and learn from this lesson to go on.
Find the positive in the situation and build from that.
With every negative thing in the world there is always a polar opposite, so there must be a positive no matter how small that issue is.
Once you have accomplished finding the positive area in your life, you have to focus your energy in a positive way to keep this survivor feeling going in your life and not a victim feeling.
This will shift your energy to a positive mindset to continue from that point on.
We cannot change the past in anyway, so let's focus on the present and move forward.
For the energetic connections, after you have shifted your mindset, it is important to have an energy clearing done for the different issues you have gone through.
You could be carrying around past karma issues, stagnant energy, or many blockages in your energy fields.
These can bring about and attract more of the same and to have a full energy clearing done will refresh your energetic fields and bring in a new light to your life so that things will feel even more happy and clear for you.
After all of this has been done it is up to you to maintain your life.
This is where the responsibility factor comes into play.
We are responsible for the things in our life and have to take the first step today for all of these issues to draw in even more positive situations, people, and circumstances.
For a recap: first shift that mind-set to a positive one, second cleanse and clear all of the negative issues from within your energy fields, and third take responsibility for the things in your life from here on out and you will notice a major shift in your life!