Do White Hyacinth Bulbs Bear White Flowers?
- Hyacinth bulbs are not distinguishable by their color. All of them are a beige color, with a purplish cast on the outside layers. However, those outside layers are sometimes rubbed off when packaged for sale. The color of the flower is not related to the color of the bulb.
- Poke a wood craft stick into the ground next to each white hyacinth as it's blooming. When the foliage dies back, you'll still know which are white. Move them to their own bed.
- Grow your own white hyacinths. Hyacinth, like other flowers from bulbs, set seed. Don't cut the flower head after it's blossomed, but let it form seed pods. Plant the seeds in a location that receives full sun in the early to mid-spring. In several years they'll be blooming. Hyacinths also grow baby bulbs around the main bulb. Break off these bulbs and plant; they'll have white flowers.
All Bulbs Are Beige
Label the Flowers
Plant from Seeds or Bulblets