Las Vegas Window Cleaning Service - Company & Business Cleaning
That way, the Las Vegas window cleaning service has accountability to you, and you know the work was done at precisely the standards that you have for that job. And if you're talking to a cleaning service that doesn't offer walk-throughs, I highly suggest that you find another company that does. You want someone that has accountability, and that will be able to go through that checklist with you. You want to make sure that that Las Vegas window cleaning service was done to high-quality standards.
So I'm driving down the street, and I see these companies, these Las Vegas window cleaning companies, and they're in rusty vans. The people in the vans are not kept up well. The only thing written on the company van is their phone number and service (Las Vegas Window Cleaning Company) in small text. Nothing about the company van, or truck is professional. It's very important, when you hire a company to do some work for you (window cleaning, or any type of cleaning) of course they have to be uniformed, but also their company vehicles can be a big indicator of their quality of window cleaning service.
The vehicles of the window cleaning company you hire should look good, they should be professional, they should have graphics on them, they should have lettering explaining exactly what that company offers. You should have no questions, whatsoever, who's showing up at your door, who's knocking on your door, and who's doing the work for you. Company vehicles and company image is a must. If a Las Vegas window cleaning company cares about their image, they're going to care about your image.
I do a lot of business window cleaning with property managers here in Las Vegas. The biggest service that they give their customers is keeping the grounds cleaned, keeping everything maintained. I do have some Las Vegas property management companies that can't pay for it, they can't put it in their business cam charges, and they expect their customers (or their tenants) to take care of the business window cleaning for them. Some of the customers will do that, but a lot of the time they won't and they resent their property manager for not doing that. They assume that window cleaning should be part of the rent.
Most of the Las Vegas property managers that I work with (and clean their windows) find that they have increased rents, and they have increased business because their properties look nice all of the time. Just because you don't have someone renting out the property, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have it maintains, and it doesn't mean that you shouldn't have the windows cleaned on a regular basis. Because when the business and windows look that good all of the time, people are more likely to take you seriously as a Las Vegas property manager, and are more likely to lease from you and sign that contract, because they know that you will be taking care of them, and keeping the property nice and the windows clean during that business rental contract.