Legal Support Against Tax Lien
It is also necessary to know how and why is Tax Linen filed. The proceedings begin, when IRS send a letter with an assessment of debtors tax liability, stating the amount that is unpaid, late payment penalty along with interest. In case the assessment letter is ignored, IRS follow up with four more letters such as CP-501, CP-CP-503, CP-504, and finally LT11/L1058 in most of the cases. Finally one of the CP letters mention it's intent to levy. The main motive of Tax Lien is to prevent you from selling or borrowing against any of the major assets that you own. Besides, these are also considered as public records.
The Tax Levy can be expected, after receiving many threatening IRS letters, phone calls and with a lien placed on defaulters assets. Finally, the individual will receive a 30 day notice of intent to levy or seize the assets. Considered as one of the most lethal weapon of IRA, it can cause you to lose checking and savings account, investments, IRAs and accounts receivables. Besides, you can also lose inheritances due to be received, social security, pension, insurance policies, or anything else which you own that carries equity. Hence, to provide proper guidance to fight for one's property or to save it from IRS, legal experts handle these cases. These professionals help debtors and make sure that they are fairly treated by IRS and guide them throughout the proceedings. Until the money is received, the IRS continue to seize debtors assets because the intent of the Tax Levy is to make unresponsive tax payers pay their taxes owed and that too on time. Hence, IRS also accept different forms of agreements and the levy is stopped.