Forum Marketing - Generate Endless Leads in a Targeted Marketplace
All over the internet there are a vast amount of interesting and free forums ranging from any niche you can imagine, from houses to animals to cars etc.
Network marketing, internet marketing, residual income, you name it, there are forums absolutely anywhere that you can network in.
Not only can you network in them, but you also get a signature file in a forum.
This is like a little ad that displays underneath every single post that you ever make in a forum.
This is one of the primary ways that you can generate traffic and leads from within forums.
A post (known as a thread) relates to something you write; anytime you think of a topic you want to write a short note about or you see topics displayed that you can add benefit to, then you are submitting a post.
Forum marketing is free, takes little effort and is lots of fun because you're interacting, learning and building relationships.
Some recommended sites Some forums I can recommend are: * Richdad.
com * conqueryourniche.
com * warriorforum.
com * Betternetworker.
com * wahm.
com (work at home mums) * homebasedbusiness.
com The wahm.
com forum, although by implication may be aimed at a specific audience, is not that at all, there are lots of different types of businesses on there and a variety of threads that you can add value to and promote your business opportunity.
For example, I went into warriorforum for the purposes of adding some value to this article and there are currently 689 people viewing the internet marketing forum threads in there.
What potential is that for you to promote your opportunity? It's not all about you and your opportunity though, and if that's all you go into forums to do, people will get annoyed; you need to go in and add value.
This can be done by educating others, sharing experiences or simply starting a thread on a niche topic that is of interest to you and you wish to gauge the opinions of others.
The main point of all of these is about building relationships; remember people join people not businesses! The main concept about online marketing and internet marketing is 'What attracts people to you?' It is the amount of value that you offer them, the depth of the relationship that you have with them.
How to position yourself when in the forums This is how you want to position yourself when you're in any social networking.
You want to promote the team training that you have to offer alongside the team infrastructure.
You want to position the fact that you are plugged into people or that you yourself can teach people how to make money.
It's that simple - you can teach people how to be a true professional in this industry, how to understand the true marketing principles out there that allow people to generate leads or bring in new business and do all these different things and that you know how to teach that to anyone.
On top of that, you've got the whole training platform infrastructure in place so when you're networking and building relationships and talking to other leaders, you can relate to the unnecessary duplication required because everything is already there.
So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start building new and productive relationships within the many forums connected to your niche, promote yourself as a leader in the industry, provide value to others and raise awareness of your opportunity in a targeted marketplace.