How to Build a Model of the Panama Canal for Kids
- 1). Draw a very large picture of the Panama Canal on the blue poster board with the marker. The picture should extend the length of the poster board and should be about 3 inches wide. To draw the Panama Canal, turn the poster so that the short sides are on the left and right. Draw a long shape that goes straight down about 1 foot then goes diagonal right like an "L to the bottom of the poster. Use the picture provided in the Reyadel website (see Resources) as a guide. Cut this shape out of the poster.
- 2). Glue the large shape of the Panama Canal to the green foamcore board. Cut out six strips from the gray construction paper, each 3 inches by 1/2 inch. Glue these strips to the blue poster cutout of the Panama Canal. These strips represent the locks on the canal; glue them across the canal in the appropriate areas.
- 3). Glue the toy ships to the Panama Canal in various areas. Place several round lumps of green modeling clay on the green foamcore board to represent clumps of trees.