Get Him Back - No Tricks and No Silver Bullet
There is typically no one piece of advice or line that you can use to bring him running back to you.
Of course, there are things that you can do to improve your chances of reuniting with your ex and successfully get him back in your life again but no magical series of words that is going to make him change his mind.
It is going to be tempting to want to write him long loving emails or call him or text him when you are feeling emotional.
All of this is very normal but you should restrain from acting on these emotions.
Typically, being emotional at this stage of the game is only going to hurt your chances of getting him back if not completely destroy any chance that you might have down the road.
This may go against your instincts and your heart but once you have him back in your loving arms it will all be worth it.
Remember, anything worth having is worth waiting for.
In general, your attitude and appearance towards the outside world should be that of complete normalcy and general happiness.
Do whatever you need to do to help make life easier for you as you wait for some time to pass and for the next stage in your plan to get him back to begin.
Treat yourself well.
Go to the movies or go shopping when things get really tough.
Hang out with friends if that works for you or just spend time by yourself dreaming of how great it's going to be once he actually does come back to you.
There is no harm in dreaming and many people believe that visualization exercises do help bring out the desired outcome so dream away! If during this waiting time your boyfriend does contact you then this is a very good sign.
Try not to go overboard though and become emotional and needy again.
Play things cool and avoid talking about the breakup or the problems that you had.
It will be very tempting to think that you have gotten him back but this is a very delicate time.
You also might question whether he is contacting you to test the waters or if his contact is just so he doesn't feel bad.
Typically, this contact is to test the waters and shows some sort of interest in the wake of the breakup.
He is going to wonder what you are up to and may genuinely care about you and want to make sure that you are ok.
Of course, each case is unique but typically this is a very good sign.
Of course, as time passes there are things that you can do to bring about the contact that you desire and begin to rebuild your relationship.
At this point though, your focus should be on avoiding driving him further away.
This can mean the difference between getting him back in a matter of weeks or months if you can't resist the urge to contact him and spill your guts to him.
Make him wonder...
make him want you again! In short, the best thing that you can do to improve your chances of getting him back is to avoid emotional contact with your ex and thus avoid doing as much damage to your relationship as possible.
This is the groundwork for any successful plan to reunite with your ex and bring him back into your loving arms for good.