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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Why Sherlock Holmes is Considered the Best Fictional Detective
There are fictional detectives and there is the Sherlock Holmes. What is it about this characters that has driven people around the world crazy about him.
Comic Book Crossover Madness
Crossover!Is there any more exciting word in the English language to a comics fan?Or one that fills them with so much dread and so many bad memories?
Heartbreak Run
A story of fate and its cruelty. Telling of a realist story that no matter how hard you try, if you aren't fated to be together, you will never be.
Time Management - How To Gain An Extra Hour Every Day Book Review - The Morning Routine
The way we start a day can make a huge difference to what we get out of that day. Anyone interested in time management can get some great ideas from the chapter on the morning routine in Ray Joseph's "How To Gain An Extra Hour Every Day".
The World of Women Ain't No Joke by Keith Wright - Book Review
Women have always tried to get ahead. Sometimes men have held them back. Sometimes they have held themselves back. Women are beautiful and intelligent, but they must make their way in a world that will often not forgive them for being women. Keith Wright explores this dilemma in "The World of W
IED - Improvised Explosive Device
IEDs are far more than military weaponry.Ideological economic devices rhetorically.Surface instinctually and harm us globally.Alienating friends for us internationally.
Book Review - Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr Maltz
Here is one book on how to understand one self that is a must reading. This is one book that describes as scientifically (and precisely) as possible on how we can control our minds and our lives.
Barefoot Books Review - The Animal Boogie
The Animal Boogie is now famous, maybe even infamous as the bestseller at Barefoot Books. Time and time again it out sells all other books. So what makes The Animal Boogie so popular?
Review - Poisoned for Profit
Have you wondered why there seems to be an epidemic of serious childhood illnesses, like cancer, asthma and birth defects, in America? It has a lot to do with the huge increase, over the past 50 years, of toxic chemicals dumped into the environment. This book gives the details.
The Dark Knight - Ten of Batman's Most Important Stories in Comics
A look at ten of Batman, aka the Dark Knight's most memorable stories in comics, including The Killing Joke, which a portion of the hit movie The Dark Knight was based upon. These ten have been picked from fan opinion and sales numbers to bring you a positive overview of batman's best stor
Book Releases in 2010
There are a number of notable book reviews ahead, especially in the second half of 2010. There are books of all genres and something that will be suitable for anyone's interests and preferences, whether it be fiction, non-fiction or a mixture of both.
The Changing River, A Meditative Fiction - Book Review
When we seek happiness outside of ourselves, we are being perfectly human; but it is the person who looks within and changes what they don't like, that truly ends up being happy. Such reminders are abundant in these days but rarely is a book fictionally interesting and captivating, yet also ins
What Is the Best Self-Help Book of All Time?
There are millions of self-help books out there. Some help the author out more than they help the reader. There are some that help both the author and the reader. This is a win-win situation. One book that stands out about all self-help books is this book.
Pathological Skepticism From a Non-Scientist
The Skeptic's Dictionary is an encyclopaedic attempt to debunk just about every wacky, eccentric or unusual idea currently going the rounds, especially on the internet. This is, to be sure, a laudable project for anyone who regards himself as a scientific rationalist. But, unfortunately, its au
Some Information On Spiritual Books
Spiritual books all around the world have value on the individual, communities and other aspects of the society. This depends solely on the choice of each reader and the purpose for which he has decided to pick up a spiritual book. What the spiritual book does is make a way into your soul and shake
Book Summary - The Richest Man in Babylon - The Success Secrets of the Ancients - By George Clason
Strategies come and go but principles are timeless. You do not create new principles. You either follow them or you don't. This time tested wealth principles are over 6,000 years old. I enjoy reading financial and business books but I understand that most of you would rather go to the dentist a
Hellraisers - The Life and Times of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter OToole, Oliver Reed
Although there are many actors who are called stars, there are not that many that match the power and presence of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole and Oliver Reed be it on screen or off. In Robert Seller's book we discover all about these actors who really were big stars and a
Breakthrough money Making Secrets Revealed
Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed So you want to start your own home based business selling on the internet. If you do you really need to read Holly Mann's best selling ebook and you will ...
The Dream Balcony - A Short Story
A story of a young Aboriginal boy who escapes a mission camp through his dreams. I did not know what a nun was, after all we did things differently in the bush, and they were very serious always pulling us up on our mistakes.