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Landscaping & Garden & Landscape : Home & Garden

Contemporary Porches That Welcome

Many new homes these days are designed with the contemporary style. A contemporary styled porch is usually created using simple clean lines with a bit of sophistication thrown in the mix.

Outdoor Landscaping and Hot Tubs

Hot tubs and spas offer their owners many health benefits and endless hours of relaxation; and, the presence of a hot tub can allow for an enhancement in landscaping. The following article provides tips regarding how to use a spa as the central focus, while adding supplemental fixtures...

Deck Patio Ideas for the Wheelchair Bound

Making outdoor decks and patios handicap accessible is not only a matter of convenience for wheelchair users and their families, but is also important for the safety of wheelchair users who live at home. Millions of Americans, spanning all ages, use wheelchairs to enhance their mobility,...

How Can I Pave My Walkway?

In these times, you should now overlook the boring and tedious slabs that are made of ancient concrete. A walkway or brick patio is useful in enhancing the appeal of your house on the whole. ...

Important Tips on Crown Molding Angles Construction

Crown moldings are very useful in enhancing the interior of a room. There are intricate and cute designs that can change the appearance of a room magically. People install them at the edge of the wall where the moldings touch the ceiling.

White Puffy Growths on Tree Limbs

White growths on a tree’s branches or trunk can indicate a potentially serious fungal or insect threat. In some cases, what appears as a malformed growth may actually be the bodies of stationery insects feeding on the wood. A white, puffy growth may also be colonies or fruiting bodies of a fun

How to Make Your Own Garden

Growing your own fruits, vegetables and other plants requires some work and patience, but the reward in the end is well worth it. Choose vegetables, shrubs and flowers that are native to your area or at least grow well in your region. Trying to plant a vegetable garden and a flower garden in one day

When Is the Best Time to Relocate Perennials?

Perennial plants are the mainstays of many herbaceous borders by providing a vibrant palette of color to delight gardeners all year-round. Annual plants last a single season while biennials take two years to complete their life cycle but perennials bloom and return for many years.

Slate Patio Installation Instructions

Slate is an ideal stone to use when constructing an outdoor patio. The stone comes in a variety of colors and textures. In fact, it's the stone's natural tones and colors that allow it to blend in to the outdoor environment. By using slate tiles, you can create a streamlined and modern looking patio

Proper Installation of Natural Stone Patios

Natural stone patios enhance a landscape with durability and rustic charm. When installed properly, a natural stone surface can last for decades with little maintenance. Installing stone may seem overwhelming, but once you level the surface and fill the foundation, fitting the stones together is an

How Long Does it Take to Grow Buzzy Parsley?

Buzzy is a corporation in Tyrone, Georgia, that produces seeds and growing kits for the novice gardener. The various kits contain a growing container, such as a bucket, tin or basket, the soil and everything else you need to start the included seeds. They also supply seed packets to various retailer

Define Privet

The name "Privet" refers to numerous species of plants in the same genus. These plants are hardy shrubs or small trees that grow and spread rapidly. They are not native to the United States, and their sale has been outlawed in other countries. The plant should be outlawed and eradicated in North

Driveway Design and Driveway Materials

The popular options for driveway materials are block paving, tarmac and standard pressed paving. The average driveway is approx. 50-60sq.M. and at this size block paving is the most expensive, then tarmac, closely followed by ...

How to Pull Off Old Siding Before Installing Vinyl Siding

Siding installers should pull off a home's old damaged or rotten siding before installing new vinyl siding. Vinyl siding, one of the most popular siding choices, should attach to a flat defect-free surface. Covering a rotten section of old siding with vinyl may save on labor cost and time. However,

How do I Build a Porch on to a A-Frame Home?

A-frame houses are popular in ski resorts and other vacation areas. They are distinctive, shed rain and snow effectively and require little exterior maintenance since there are few vertical walls to keep painted. You can add a porch to an A-frame house with a little work and some imagination. A-fram

Woody Ornamental Plants

Woody ornamental plants generally bear flowers but are also grown for foliage and even for the shape of their branches. These plants have many uses in the landscape -- as windbreaks, hedges and focal plants.

Retaining Walls Made of Big Rocks

Building a rock retaining wall adds a natural look to your landscape that you don’t get from manufactured block walls. A boulder retaining wall can hold a considerable amount of weight from the soil behind it, but a do-it-yourselfer shouldn’t try to build a wall over 3 feet tall. A wall