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Taxes : Business & Finance
How Long Should I Keep Tax Records?
One of the questions I am aksed most often, both as an accountant and as a tax preparer, is how long should you hold on to records and files, receipts and bills, and the like.Here is my answer
Top 10 Overlooked Tax-Deductible Opportunities
As if life isn't expensive enough as it is, the government has an overpowering tendency to snag money right out of our paychecks for themselves. Nevertheless, it's our duty as a citizen to abide by ...
Tax Service Tips
Tax season may have just wrapped up, but that shouldn't stop you from preparing for next year's most dreaded event. Learn tax basics and why using an online tax service may just lighten up the load on your shoulders come tax time.
Taxes When Hiring Household Help
Individuals may need to pay employment taxes if they hire nannies, babysitters, butlers, chauffeurs, house cleaners and similar professionals providing domestic services. This guide to household employment taxes (aka "the nanny tax") address to whom this tax applies, the process, benefits
How to Cancel Your Mortgage
If you're struggling to make your monthly mortgage payments, you can ask for relief from your mortgage lender. You'll have to prove that you are financially unable to make your current mortgage payments. But if you do, you might be able to cancel your current mortgage loan and replace it with one th
Top 5 Tax Planning Tips for Individuals
Most parts of your salary are fully taxable, but certain parts are exempt to the extent they are used. For example, conveyance allowance of Rs. 800 is exempt for every month. You can also claim Children Education Allowance or Children Hostel Allowance.
Is a Lawsuit Settlement From a Car Accident Taxable ?
Lawsuit settlements and court-awarded damages present difficult and somewhat ambiguous tax issues. Generally, settlements resulting from a car accident include compensation for different types of damage, such as property damage, pain and suffering, expenses, and lost income. The taxation rules vary
Irs Assistance For Form 2290 offers step by step assistance and guidance through our tax expert team for your e-file of Form 2290. Yet we do understand that there may be instances where you may like to communicate directly with the Internal Revenue Service. In such cases you need not worry. This article provides you
How to Get W-2 Forms for 2009
W-2 forms are received each year from employers. These forms provide information based on how much money you made and how much money was withheld for tax purposes. W-2 forms are provided to you in sets of four. You attach one to each of your tax returns and keep one for your records. If you need a c
Do You Have To File Your Tax Return If You Didn't Get A Paycheck?
Even if the only source of funds you receive is a social security check and you live below the poverty line you still have to file your income taxes. But millions of Americans who live on fixed incomes fail to file their income tax return and end up with an IRS tax debt that they didn't expect,
IRS tax debt to fixed income stealing candy from the old
I can not afford! I'm on a fixed income … Millions of you are working in retirement and Social Security or disability and situation. Get your listing of oversight, during the month are expect
Small Business Tax Questions - How Do You Pay A Part-Time or Seasonal Employee?
Do you own a small business and do the most of the work yourself? But on occasion you find it necessary to hire some help, perhaps on a part-time or seasonal basis. How do you handle these intermittent employees? This article will answer that question.
IRS Tax Rules for Family Loans
Family loans are a good way of advancing funds to your adult children or close relatives at little risk. The recession and mortgage crunch of 2007 really increased the scrutiny by banks on people borrowing funds. Though the bank rates are low, banks have become extremely conservative and have height
Tax Debt Forgiveness - What The IRS Won't Tell You
It is often said that owing money to the IRS is tantamount to owing money to the mob. And it's not hard to see when you consider how scary and unrelenting IRS tax officials can be. This article will explore one such method of vanquishing the IRS beast. Read on...
Tax Tips For Homeowners
With less than 30 days left until April15th, many homeowners are scrambling to get their paperwork together for their tax preparer appointment. In all the frustrated and anxiety filled moments before the meeting, many homeowners may forget a few of the tax deductions they may be allowed. As a remind
Your IRS Tax Debt and Disability - What do You do with Your Debt When You Get Back on Your Feet?
Unfortunate circumstances... You have been living at the barest minimum for a few years now. Maybe you were on disability and couldn't work. But now your better and you're ready to go back to work and start earning real money again. But what about that IRS tax debt? The IRS has kept you in
Tax Brackets 2011 Everything You Need To Know
Income Tax Brackets 2011 go up as a taxpayers earnings increase.But is this really true?Tax bracekts, just akin to the entirity of everythingelse concerning the IRS is much more complex than that. There are concealed taxes and hidden tax rates.Anthony Parent, tax lawyer and founder of IRSmedic, clea
Can a Trust Get a Tax Deduction for Making a Charitable Contribution?
Making a charitable contribution is a common way to lower your taxable income and your tax liability when it comes time to file your return. This deduction applies not only for individuals, but it can also apply when a trust makes a charitable contribution. Not all trusts can make contributions, but
Job Hunting & Relocation
Moving to a new area of your own state or across the country can be intimidating. Add searching for a job, and the change presents a blend of anxiety over the move, excitement about new possibilities and perhaps some fear over what the future holds. If you approach the move and job search with plann
The Average Income for Tile Setters in Virginia
Tile setters, also called tile installers, lay all manner of tile in many types of locations. They cut tile to fit into corners and around fixed objects, mix and apply various adhesives for tile beds, and lay, align and set tiles. Ninety percent of tile setters in Virginia earn at least $10.50 per h